st as Bai Qi finished, his phone ran out of battery.

Bai Qi promptly stood up.
“I’m going to charge my phone.”

He left Xi Chengyun alone on the sofa, an emptiness appearing next to him.

However, soon after, Bai Qi stuck his head out from upstairs.
“For the interview… Do we have a script to follow?”

“No, and the entire program is also pretty short.
They won’t…” ‘Make things difficult for you.’ Before he finished his sentence——

He heard Bai Qi ask, “Then, should we discuss certain things first? Will there be a situation where we are encouraged to kiss?”

“There… will be, I think,” Xi Chengyun replied.

“Then should I kiss your chin again?”

Xi Chengyun felt a tightness in his throat.
“No, somewhere else.”

Bai Qi signaled an ‘OK’ with his fingers and retreated into his bedroom.

Xi Chengyun sat there and didn’t move for a long time.

The next day, Xi Chengyun went to settle the piled-up matters at hand.

Bai Qi went to campus to pick some things up and to have tea with Shang Guang.

Shang Guang arrived earlier than him.

As soon as he saw Bai Qi, he immediately escorted him to their table.

“Here, sit.”

“Congratulations, you’ve passed all your final papers, right?” Shang Guang smiled and said.

Xi Chengyun was his study buddy and this caused the whole internet to pay extra attention to Bai Qi’s exam results.

Thankfully, the academic tyrant didn’t disappoint.

He passed all subjects smoothly.

This morning, this topic was still being widely discussed online.

There were even more people asking Bai Qi to start a tuition class.

Bai Qi politely nodded with his teacup in hand, signaling for Shang Guang to continue.

Shang Guang rubbed his hands together and decided to go straight to the point.

“There are things that Xi-ge can’t tell you, and it’s easier for me to let you know.”

“Mn? Go on.” Bai Qi straightened his back and sat there obediently.

‘Do they want to extend or cut short our period stipulated in the contract?’

‘Or do they want to increase or decrease the agreed pay?’

“Okay, so since the beginning, it didn’t matter who Xi-ge’s marriage partner was, be it a man or woman, you know that, right?”

Bai Qi nodded.
Xi-ge said that such a marriage will have a greater impact on a woman, so he chose a man.
The reason he chose me was that I happened to be tricked by Jiang Fangcheng.
It was unlikely that I’d want to enter another relationship soon and, because of that, we could simply talk business.
He’d help me, and I’d help him.”

Shang Guang nodded and continued, “Yes, yes.
Seems like Xi-ge has drawn things clearly with you.
But there is one thing that he didn’t mention… and that is why you both have to be lovey-dovey in front of the public.”

Bai Qi nodded.

Actually, he was also very curious to know why.

If it was just to adhere to the requirements stated in an inheritance will, it wasn’t likely that such a clause that requires the inheritor to have a loving relationship with his partner would be specified.

Even the laws aren’t binding on such clauses.

So a legal marriage certificate is enough for their marriage to be valid.

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