ander Edi lowered his voice.

This kind of curse had little effect on head Commanders.
If Abel’s senses weren’t so strong, and if he didn’t have a data analysis ability, it would be very hard for him to detect those changes as well.

Head Commander Edi had his eyes fixed on k3308.
From the look on k3308’s face, maybe he couldn’t even give out much fighting power anymore.
This was only the start.
If the drum sound continued, all the beginner wizards would be down.

Therefore the most important thing to do now was to diffuse this curse for the wizards.
Head Commander Edi didn’t even remember when was the last time the orc had used a battle drum, so he didn’t really have a clear idea of what to do.

K3308 waved his magic staff, and a spelling pattern flashed.
But soon, that spelling pattern vanished.
The spell failed.

“K3308, calm down!” Head Commander Edi couldn’t help but add.

K3308 was the weakest in the team.
Almost all of his power was coming from his magic items.
A powerful wizard would definitely not end up like him even in the face of an orc battle drum.

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Still, defense spells were the most important spells for wizards.
Even a wizard like k3308 would not practice it half heartedly.
A second spell pattern emerged on his magic staff, and a Frozen Armour appeared on him.

“It’s useless, a defense spell can not defuse the curse!” K3308 said in agony.

Abel expected this.
Abel knew how powerful his power of the will was; no one in the team could even reach half his power.
If he couldn’t defuse the spell with his power of the will, no one could.

This curse had a very special energy.
Although it could not damage a person directly, it was very hard to defuse or counteract it.
A normal curse could not last for long.
It would only get weaker and weaker and eventually fade with time.

However, in this situation, as long as the orcs kept banging their battle drum, the curse would only intensify.

“We are in trouble!” Head Commander Edi said to the team.
He then continued, “if there are more orcs than we can handle, we will start to retreat back to Miracle City.
Don’t worry about the mission!”

“No, I won’t go back!” K3308 yelled.
He then took out 4 attributed rune cards from his portal bag.
As those cards began to glow, 4 flashes of light emerged from his body.

However, soon he was met with disappointment.
Although his attributes had increased, the curse was still in effect.

“Let me help you!” Abel said after a bit of hesitation.

“K3516, you have an idea?” Head Commander Edi asked in surprise.

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As long as their team could unleash their true power as well as Abel’s horrific archery skill, they would be able to retreat safely, even if they weren’t able to win.

“Everyone, don’t try to counteract my power of the will!” Abel said as he reached out with his power of the will.

Head Commanders could not sense the power of the will very well.
At most, their intuition would just tell them someone was spying on them.

However, not wizards.
To wizards, power of the will was basically like an arm.
It would be very unsafe if another person’s arm appeared beside them.

Therefore, Abel had to warn everyone on the spot.
Especially to beginner wizards, since he would be approaching them with his power of the will.

Abel divided his power of the will into 19 strands, and each connected to a teammate.
His power of the will had soon turned into energy pathways, directly transferring energy into his druid soul.

Actually, Abel didn’t feel too good about this as well.
Death qi was extremely rare.
Although they were weak, it’s quality was high.
If he had any developing priest spells, this energy would be the best support for increasing its ability.

“The spell is getting weaker!” K3308 yelled again after 10 seconds.
He was the most sensitive one, after all.

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