“What does he plan to do to Old Yamamoto?”


Ukitake Jūshirō’s mind wandered somewhere else.

“Come on, Ukitake.
It’s not so often that you’re this fit.
Have a drink with me.
I brought a sake for you.”

Kyōraku Shunsui sounded back to his usual self as he walked toward Ukitake Jūshirō.


Ukitake Jūshirō sighed helplessly.
He was at a loss for words since Kyōraku Shunsui casually invited him for a drink even at a time like this.

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“I told you not to worry too much.
Otherwise, Old Yamamoto will end up worrying about your health again.”

“Relax, Old man Yama will take care of everything.” Kyōraku Shunsui lightly patted Ukitake Jūshirō’s shoulder and tilted his bamboo hat up, revealing a smile below the straw hat, “Old man Yama has never lost to his mischievous students!”

Ukitake Jūshirō was a little bit surprised when he saw his best friend smiled, but then he also smiled: “Yes, Genryūsai-sensei has never lost to his mischievous students.

Ukitake Jūshirō excitedly said as he took one of the jugs full of sake from Kyōraku Shunsui’s hand: “Let’s wait and see how Old man Yama handled our little brother.”

Kyōraku Shunsui and Ukitake Jūshirō sat side by side as they gazed at the crescent moon that shone brightly once again after the clouds drifted away.
They laughed and drank while recalling what has happened this past year.


12th Division

“Captain, what’s wrong.”

Hikifune Kirio, who was in the middle of a chat with Hiyori, suddenly went silent and immediately turned her focus at the 1st Division.

“What’s wrong, Captain?”

Hikifune Kirio came back to her senses and immediately wore a smile as she looked towards Hiyori, “It’s nothing, but I just remembered something important.
It’s getting late anyway, so why don’t you go ahead and rest, Li’l Hiyori? I still have some things to take care of.”

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“Hm?” Hiyori glanced at Hikifune Kirio doubtfully.
She was wondering what else her Captain was planning on doing now.
Nevertheless, she nodded obediently, “If Captain says s…, but be sure not to stay up too late, Captain.”


Hikifune Kirio gently smiled and nodded, “Li’l Hiyori is so thoughtful.
I’m really touched.”

“Wh… What are you saying, Captain!” Hiyori blushed and shouted to hide her embarrassment.

“Ha ha ha ha ~”

Seeing Hiyori tried so hard to hide her embarrassment, Hikifune Kirio did her best to refrain herself from laughing, but since it happened so rarely, she couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Alright, alright, you should go back and have a rest.”

Seeing Hiyori left her room, the smile on Hikifune Kirio’s face gradually disappeared.
She walked to the window and gazed at the crescent moon in the sky, but she couldn’t contain the anxiety deep down in her heart.

Even though the Reiatsu that she sensed just now seemed like it was concealed by something, but at Hikifune Kirio’s level, she could detect it.
The Reiatsu that rivaled her own came from the 1st Division, and from the vibe it gave, she was sure that it belonged to Kimura Muyang, although it was a little bit different from her first impression of his Reiatsu.

The most important thing was that Reiatsu was not only powerful but killing intent was also mixed in it.
What the hell are you planning to do, Li’l Yangyang!

Hiyori left the Captain’s office with a bright red face.
He sighed in relief that Kimura Muyang wasn’t there to see her embarrassing moment.
If he were there, he’d definitely laugh.
Not only that, he’d definitely tell Shinji and the rest.
Just imagining that sent shivers to Hiyori’s spine.
But now that she thought about it, she began to wonder where Kimura Muyang wandered to because she hasn’t seen him at all today.

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