ld Mu, let’s arrange a Ten-Elder Assembly.
This is something we cannot take responsibility for on our own.”

Mu Yao agreed to Zong Ze’s proposal.
Zong Ze proceeded to invite all the Elders for a conference.

Zhao Hai had just returned to the headquarters but now he was back in Hidden Cloud Village.
Nothing noteworthy happened in the village while he was gone.
Now that everyone had changed sides to Zhao Hai, there was no longer any disorder.
Fatty Li and Zhe Jun were now managing the village.

The gangs in the Hidden Cloud Village were practically made up of people who ran away.
Because of this, they didn’t dare leave the village.
This is the reason why the gangs easily joined Zhao Hai’s side.
As for those who didn’t, they were already dead.

Upon returning to the Hidden Cloud Village, Zhao Hai immediately summoned Zhe Jun and Fatty Li.
Zhao Hai no longer stayed in the Hell King’s Ship, instead he occupied a cloud house in the village.
After reaching the cloud house, Zhe Jun and Fatty Li knelt down and gave a greeting to Zhao Hai.
Zhao Hai waved his hand and said, “Get up.
There’s no need to kneel.
There’s no need to do that in the future.” The two complied and stood on the side with respectful expressions.

Looking at the two, Zhao Hai said, “You have been taking great care of the Hidden Cloud Village.
You can rest assured that I will not treat you unfairly.
Li Jiang, take out your cloud beast, let me see.” Although Li Jiang didn’t know why, he still took out his cloudbeast token and released his cloud beast.
To Zhao Hai’s surprise, Fatty Li’s cloud beast was actually a pig!

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There’s no mistaking it, it’s a pig! Not a wild boar, but a plump black pig.
After being released, the pig snorted repeatedly with no regard for the place it was in.
It looked quite embarrassing.

Zhao Hai looked at this black pig, speechless and confused.
The people in the Cloudbeast Territory were really interesting.
Their cloud beasts resembled themselves.
There were Zhe Jun’s rats and now there’s Li Jiang’s pig.
It was really strange.

Zhe Jun looked at Zhao Hai’s expression and knew what he was thinking about.
He cupped his fist and said, “Young Master, after using their cloud beasts, the bodies of the people in the Cloudsea Territory would change.
They would take the form of the cloud beast they use.” Zhao Hai nodded.
Then he waved his hand and sent the pig to the space.
Soon after, he took it back out and handed it to Li Jiang before saying, “Take this.” Li Jiang received the pig and immediately felt the changes that happened to it.
He couldn’t help but look at Zhao Hai with astonishment.

Zhao Hai looked at Li Jiang and said, “This is your reward.
As long as you work earnestly, you will receive more.
The two of you need to take care of the others.
Don’t let them think that I’m a lenient person.
Everyone who escaped the village has already been killed by me.
If there’s anyone who gives me a headache, I won’t hesitate to kill them.

The two nodded and said, “Yes.
Young Master can rest assured.”

Zhao Hai nodded, then he looked at the two and said, “Have people build cloud houses.
My people will come over in two days.
Before they arrive, we need to arrange their accommodations.
You can also clean up the houses of those who left.
About 10 thousand cloud houses will do.”

The two nodded.
But before they could leave, Zhao Hai said, “Zhe Jun, you take care of it.
Li Jiang, stay behind.” Zhe Jun nodded and then bowed before he left.
Meanwhile, Li Jiang was looking at Zhao Hai with an anxious expression.

Zhao Hai looked at Li Jiang and said, “Li Jiang, since your clan has been doing business in the past, you should be very familiar with the Cloudsea Territory.
I want to know how big the territory is.”

Li Jiang had a difficult expression as he replied, “Young Master, this one really has no idea.
And it’s not only me.
I’m afraid nobody knows how big the territory is.
What we know is that there’s two boundaries in the north and south as well as two mountains in the east and west.
This should be the range of the Cloudsea Territory.
However, I heard that there are still Whitecloud Islands behind the boundaries.”

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Zhao Hai nodded, “Then tell me about the Sea of Clouds.”

Li Jiang replied, “The Sea of Clouds that you’re saying should be the Sea of Beasts.
Nobody knows how large the Sea of Beasts is.
There are very few Whitecloud Islands inside the Sea of Beasts and people cannot survive inside it.
On the other hand, cloud beasts thrive there.
It’s filled with beasts that are very powerful.
This is the reason why it’s referred to as one of the boundaries of the Cloudsea Territory.”

“There’s a waterfall in the southernmost part of the Cloudsea Territory.
Nobody knows where it leads to.
It only flows from the territory and then to another place.
This waterfall is the southern boundary of the Cloudsea Territory.”

“The two mountains on either side of the territory act like walls.
One of them is called the bronze wall while the other is the iron wall.
They became the east and west boundaries of the Cloudsea Territory.
Nobody has a clear idea about how tall they are.
But inside these 4 boundaries are a countless number of Whitecloud Islands.
Some of the biggest islands are connected to each other by transmission formations.
As for the smaller islands, they have transmission formations connecting to a bigger island.”

Zhao Hai nodded.
Then he asked once more, “This waterfall, the bronze wall, and the iron wall, why did nobody investigate them? Why did you say that nobody knows how high they are?”

Li Jiang answered, “The two mountains have been explored.
However, the rocks on the mountains are very hard.
It’s very difficult to dig through them.
Additionally, dark clouds in those areas are more dense.
Because of this, nobody knows how high it is.
Nobody knows what’s beyond those mountains.
Nor does anyone know how high or how far it stretches.”

“The waterfall is the most peculiar.
It was teeming with beasts.
As long as someone approaches it, they would immediately be flooded with beasts.
These beasts are very powerful.
Even Immortal Experts wouldn’t survive under their attack.
Because of this, nobody knows what’s in it.”

“People always wanted to leave the Cloudsea Territory, but they would be attacked by countless beasts.
There were very few people who managed to survive these journeys.
However, there’s a rumor saying that a legendary continent lies outside the territory where there are white clouds everywhere.”

Zhao Hai smiled faintly, he didn’t believe that there would be a place full of white clouds beyond the Cloudsea Territory.
People always wanted to fantasize about great things.

After hearing Li Jiang, Zhao Hai asked once more, “How many powerful clans are there in the territory?”

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