passed through his mind.
’Well, even if I said such a thing, I doubt he would believe it anyway. ’

Rean then put those thoughts behind before saying, ”All I can tell you is that the blood concentrated in the pond has nothing to do with the Stage Nine Demon Beasts.
Well, at the very least, I can tell you that they weren ’t the ones who filled it up.
Instead, it happens automatically. ”

”Automatically? ” Red was taken aback as well.
”Are you crazy? How can it happen on its own? You didn ’t feel the aura of the blood coming from the pond.
The demon beast blood used to fill that were definitely demon beasts from all over the world.
How can it get blood from everywhere? ”

Rean and Roan were now in a dilemma.
They could say that there was a World-class formation acting on the entire planet.
However, the problem was how they would explain how they knew about it.
After all, maybe even the Divine Demon Beasts were unaware of it.
At the very least, Phex and Darian didn ’t say that there was a formation there.

Seeing Rean and Roan ’s silence only increased Red ’s suspicion, though.
”Hehe! So you can ’t even think about a full excuse.
I guess you really are on the Divine Demon Beasts ’ side.
However, I won ’t allow more demon beasts to be used on that thing.
I don ’t know what the blood was used for, but it can ’t be for a good cause.
That thing was evil! ”

Red then looked in the direction where the Spiritual Energy Field ’s core was located.
As long as he destroyed it, the Bestial Blood Pound will lose its meaning…or so the Zasfins told him.
It ’s not like he believed them completely, but he couldn ’t deny what he saw with his own eyes in the past either.

”I ’m sorry, my beloved carrots.
I ’ll definitely plant a lot of you once this is over.
I ’ll make a big farm of you and give you the ultimate ending inside my belly. ” As soon as Red finished saying those words, the golden lighting at the tip of his horn appeared again.
He had to act now, or the repair process of the Spiritual Energy Field would be finished.
If that happened, he wouldn ’t be able to break the core anymore.

Rean and Roan ’s minds worked nonstop.
However, they couldn ’t think about a way to stop Red at all.
In the end, they only had one choice, defeat Red!

Suddenly, Roan ’s Death World disappeared as the twins ’ figures could be seen again.

Red, of course, didn ’t expect that.
”What are you planning? ”

Rean sighed in response, saying, ”Red! Let ’s make a deal! If we win, you will give up trying to destroy the core.
We might tell you why your conjecture is wrong in the future.
In exchange, Roan will not use Death World anymore.
Of course, by Death World, I mean that field where you couldn ’t see where we were located. ”

”And why should I do that? I can simply destroy the core right now. ” Said Red.

Rean smiled after hearing that, saying, ”If you win, I ’ll retrieve the carrots.
You ’ll be able to destroy the core and keep the carrots at the same time.
Of course, you need to make a decision quickly since the core is getting close to being completely repaired. ”

Red narrowed his eyes as he looked at the carrots.
In the end, he nodded, saying in response, ”You better keep your promise! ”

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