ingmo put one hand on Mo Fei Chen’s shoulder and led him into the cabin.


Mo Fei Chen was patted by him to sit down on a chair, while the two beautiful women began to clear the table, taking away the wine jars that had just been overturned and taking out the new one.


Mo Fei Chen was at a loss and didn’t know what he should do at first but soon afterwards he was relieved.


“So I call you Lu Xiong (Brother Lu)?”


Lu Qingmo looked at him, his lip line parted in a cool or indifferent smile.
It was different from the playfulness of his earlier smile, Mo Fei Chen could see that this time he was really smiling, “I’ve been a wonder around for a long time, at the most earlier time, people called me Lu Shi Di, then it become Lu Zhao Xia, after that people called me the Manor Leader Wen’s Shi Di.
Besides that, the most weird one is that I was called the ‘Dang Xiao Jian’.
Dang Xiao Sword is the name of my sword but it’s not my name.
You are the first person to call me Lu Xiong.”


“He he, it doesn’t matter what other people call you, as long as you know people are calling you.
Like my fellow Shi Xiong, they call me Mo Shi Di when they are in a good mood, but most of them call me ‘lazy monkey’ or ‘bold and vigorous monkey’, I answer them all the same.”


Lu Qingmo poured a cup of wine for Mo Fei Chen, “After you recited that poem that day, did you still want to say something?”


“Will Lu Xiong be angry if I say it?”


“Naturally not.”


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“There are two kinds of people who are natural and unrestrained (潇洒).
One is really dashing and the other one is natural and unrestrained because he has no other choice but to be like that.” Mo Fei Chen raised his eyes to look at Lu Qing Mo whose eyes for this moment were likened to a lake that rippled gently, “You have something in your heart and you can’t let it go.
If you can’t let go, how can you be happy? If you can’t be happy, how can you thoroughly enjoy yourself?”


Lu Qingmo smiled, “How do you know I have something on my mind?”


“If you didn’t care about all the guests at the manor, why when Manor Leader Wen invited you to come, you would still come? If you were not interested in the sparring between the young disciples, why did you come to watch?” Mo Fei Chen said slowly.


Lu Qingmo’s finger touched the space between his eyebrows brow and smiled softly, “Your eyes are too clean, not suitable for Jiang Hu.”


Mo Fei Chen lifted his hand to clip some food and stuffed it into his mouth, “I don’t want to stay in Jiang Hu either.”


“He he,” Lu Qingmo touched the wine cup in front of Mo Fei Chen, “When you were fighting Meng Yu just now, I could see that your sword skills were outstanding among your peers.
You will become a man of great talent in the future so why don’t you want to enter Jiang Hu?”


“People laugh at me for being crazy but I laugh at others for not being able to see through it, for being unable to see the graves of the great heroes in the five mountains where there are no flowers or wine and yet it can only be used as fields for farming.” 4[别人笑我忒疯癫,我笑他人看不穿; 不见五陵豪杰墓,无花无酒锄作田 Others laugh at me for being too crazy, I laugh at people’s inability to see through the world.
Don’t you see those heroes who were once brilliant yet now there are no tombs.
It can only be used as fields for farming.
It quoted from : Song of Peach Blossom Cottage by Tang Yin 桃花庵歌 By 唐寅 桃花坞里桃花庵,桃花庵里桃花仙; 桃花仙人种桃树,又摘桃花换酒钱。 酒醒只在花前坐,酒醉还来花下眠; 半醒半醉日复日,花落花开年复年。 但愿老死花酒间,不愿鞠躬车马前; 车尘马足富者趣,酒盏花枝贫者缘。 若将富贵比贫者,一在平地一在天; 若将贫贱比车马,你得驱驰我得闲。 别人笑我忒疯癫,我笑他人看不穿; 不见五陵豪杰墓,无花无酒锄作田! The translation of the poem;  In the Peach Blossom Land there is a peach blossom plot; A peach blossom lover lives in Peach Blossom Cot.
The peach blossom lover plants peach trees in days fine; He sells his peach blossoms for money to buy wine.
When he is not drunk, he would sit before the flowers; He would lie beneath them to spend his drunken hours.
From day to day half-drunk, half-sober he’d appear; The peach flowers blossom and fall from year to year.
I would grow old and die among flowers and wine.
Rather than bow before the steed and fine carriage.
The rich may love their dust-raising carriages and bowers; The poor only enjoy their cups of wine and flowers.
If you compare the poor with the rich low and high, You’ll find the one on earth, the other in the sky.
If you compare the poor with the carriage and steed, The poor have leisure while the rich gallop with speed.
Others may pity me so foolish and so mad; I laugh at them because they can’t see through are sad.
Can you find where the tombs of gallant heroes stand? Without flowers or wine they turn into ploughland.]Mo Fei Chen picked up the cup of wine and took a small sip of it.


Lu Qingmo laughed out loud, his laughter voice was magnetic, as if the air also trembled slightly with it, “Good, good …we two people who don’t care about Jiang Hu, are going to drink this one cup of wine today.”


Mo Fei Chen also raised his cup, responding to him, “So it’s just one cup of drink instead of several cups of drink?”


The result of this drink, drink until dawn, only then he went back.


As soon as Mo Fei Chen pushed open the door, he saw Li Du sitting on the bed with a dark face.
Mo Fei Chen screamed in his heart, ‘Oh no, the medicine was supposedly given to Li Shi Xiong last night…!’


“Humph, you still know how to come back! I don’t know if I die, do you still have the conscience or not to come and burn the incense for me?”


Translator’s note:


As previously mentioned, this part of “One should enjoy his success to the most, lest he would only hold a golden but empty cup under the moon.” is quoted from Li Bai’s poem.


If you interested in reading the poem, here it is:

[ 李白 – 將進酒

*Li Bai – Please Drink Up





















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英文翻譯 / English Translation﹕


Do you not see

The waters of the Yellow River come pouring from the sky,

Rushing towards the sea and never coming back?

Do you not see

Our elders’ grievance over grey hair when they a mirror look into,

That was once ebony, now white as snow in their twilight years?

We should fully enjoy ourselves when we feel pleased,

Let not golden chalices mirror the moon without spirits.

There has to be a way and a purpose for a being like me,

The riches I’ve spent shall one day be reacquired.

Butcher and cook lamb and beef for a happy feast,

Whenever there is an opportunity, have three hundred sips of liquor at least.


Master Cen, Danqiu, my friend,

Please drink up, let not your chalice lay neglected.

Let me sing you a song,

Please lend a ear and listen as I sing:

A grand banquet with an orchestra is not as precious as it seems,

How I wish for intoxication and how I wish from which I never wake.

Throughout time sages and men of virtue have only the company of solitude,

Only those who drink leave behind a reputation next to their name.

Duke Chen of Wei gave a banquet at the Temple of Joy and Peace,

Providing pecks of wine at ten thousand pence each for all to indulge freely.

Being a host why would I excuse myself claiming lack of means?

I’d readily buy however much required to drink to our hearts’ content.

A steed with vivid shades of hair, a fur coat worthy of a thousand gold pieces,

In exchange for more great wine I’ll have my son pawn these,

To share with you in smoothing away our millennia of sorrow, gloom and grief.]


I can imagined that;

Jun Wushuang : “I punish that Meng Yu for you,….
” (try to flirt and impress Mo Fei Chen, so in another word, give me a kiss as a reward.


Mo Fei Chen: Not impressed at all and ignored him.



1[Mou is the old way to say oneself or to refer to himself, usually followed by the surname]2(Da Xia= chivalrous hero)3[Mo Fei Chen means that such a talented person like Lu Qingmo is just like this.  Originally; 高山流水: Literally mean lofty mountains and flowing water;  fig.
intimate and understanding friend (a reference or a classical allusion to an anecdote of the two great friends Bo Ya (伯牙) and Zhong Ziqi (钟子期), so when zhong ziqi heard him play, he could tell where the latter’s ambition lay: his lofty aims, his aspirations, etc.
but how rarely one could meet people like zhong ziqi) — referring to the harsh reality that talent and ability can rarely meet [find] people who can really appreciate them.
]4[别人笑我忒疯癫,我笑他人看不穿; 不见五陵豪杰墓,无花无酒锄作田 Others laugh at me for being too crazy, I laugh at people’s inability to see through the world.
Don’t you see those heroes who were once brilliant yet now there are no tombs.
It can only be used as fields for farming.
It quoted from : Song of Peach Blossom Cottage by Tang Yin 桃花庵歌 By 唐寅 桃花坞里桃花庵,桃花庵里桃花仙; 桃花仙人种桃树,又摘桃花换酒钱。 酒醒只在花前坐,酒醉还来花下眠; 半醒半醉日复日,花落花开年复年。 但愿老死花酒间,不愿鞠躬车马前; 车尘马足富者趣,酒盏花枝贫者缘。 若将富贵比贫者,一在平地一在天; 若将贫贱比车马,你得驱驰我得闲。 别人笑我忒疯癫,我笑他人看不穿; 不见五陵豪杰墓,无花无酒锄作田! The translation of the poem;  In the Peach Blossom Land there is a peach blossom plot; A peach blossom lover lives in Peach Blossom Cot.
The peach blossom lover plants peach trees in days fine; He sells his peach blossoms for money to buy wine.
When he is not drunk, he would sit before the flowers; He would lie beneath them to spend his drunken hours.
From day to day half-drunk, half-sober he’d appear; The peach flowers blossom and fall from year to year.
I would grow old and die among flowers and wine.
Rather than bow before the steed and fine carriage.
The rich may love their dust-raising carriages and bowers; The poor only enjoy their cups of wine and flowers.
If you compare the poor with the rich low and high, You’ll find the one on earth, the other in the sky.
If you compare the poor with the carriage and steed, The poor have leisure while the rich gallop with speed.
Others may pity me so foolish and so mad; I laugh at them because they can’t see through are sad.
Can you find where the tombs of gallant heroes stand? Without flowers or wine they turn into ploughland.]

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