from a stalker.”

From this point on, I told Komori the story I had devised before going to bed.

Here’s a summary.

● I treated everyone with equality.

● There was no exception to this, even for shady guys who were considered creepy by girls.

● That’s why there were people who misunderstood that ‘Takamine-san might like me’ just by talking to me.

● Normally, they’d give up when I rejected their confession, but this guy kept coming after me no matter how many times I rejected him.

● Then, he became a stalker.

● After consulting with my parents, I changed schools, but the nightmare never ends.

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● Hidden photos arrived at my new house.

● Of course, I complained to the police right away, but they said they couldn’t do anything unless I was harmed.

● I want Komori to pretend to be my boyfriend in order to make this stalker give up on Mayuka Takamine.

Well, as you can imagine, I can’t just tell him like this, so I had to choose my words.

After explaining the whole story, I said,

“So, please. Will you be my lover?” (T/N: New formatting someone suggested.
I’ll edit previous chapters when I have the time and mood.)

To be honest, this is where it gets difficult.

After all, for Komori, I’ve become a woman who is a victim of stalking.

It’s a huge bomb.

So it’s time to do a little seduction.

If I held his hands and looked up at him with tears in my eyes, I’d have a shot.

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As I was thinking about this,

“Yes! If that’s the case, then leave it to me!”


I couldn’t help but show my true colors at the unexpectedly quick answer.

Komori has a somewhat strange expression on his face.

No, no, no.
He’s the one who doesn’t understand.
Does he even know what this means?

“Eh… Is that okay?”

“It’s only natural! The one who is suffering the most is Mayu-nee, right? You’re more than welcome to use me if you like! Also, it’s unforgivable.
Stalking is a serious crime.”

No, it’s because it’s a crime that you would normally think that you might be harmed.

What’s with the quick answer?

No, really, wait a minute… With this, with just this one reply–

Of course, I won’t fall in love with Komori the mob…

But what the h**l, I’ll admit that I don’t want to give him to Natsukawa.

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