
“That’s great.
I’ll call my friends to come there later.
By the way, what kind of wine do you like to drink? My dad has a few bottles of treasured liquor here.” Sun Dongheng asked generously.

“Whatever.” Lu Yin replied.

“I’ll take a few bottles of Lafite.” Sun Dongheng said casually, “Let’s go to the living room to have a rest for a while, and I’m going to take some fruit.”

They came to the living room.
Then Sun Dongheng took some fruit and put it on the tea table.

“Brother Dong, are you going to do the live broadcast at noon tomorrow?” When Lu Yin took the orange from Sun Dongheng, she asked.

“Yeah, we can enjoy ourselves in the villa at night, and I’ll do the live broadcast after I get up tomorrow.”

When Stone heard what he said, his face changed and he said, “Brother Dong, I think it is not bad to do the live broadcast in your apartment, for it was well decorated.
Besides, everyone can see the scenery while standing in front of the window and they will definitely know that the apartment is worth a lot since it is so large, which will improve your level.
After we go downstairs, you drive the super sports car, while we drive other luxury cars, to go to dinner.
In the afternoon, we can stroll on the beach, or go somewhere to enjoy ourselves.
Then we can go to the villa at night.
I’m sure that this schedule will attract fans’ attention.”

“Really?” Sun Dongheng froze.

“You’d better follow his advice.” Lu Yin smiled and said, “He specializes in designing tour routes, and helped me design the route for my outdoor live broadcasts and select the accommodation.
He does know the ropes.”

“Oh, I see.” After pondering for a moment, Sun Dongheng thought it was a good proposal.
In addition, he had to figure out how to do the live broadcast tonight, so he said, “Well, just rest in my apartment today.
The two ladies can live in my bedroom.
Stone, you can live in the guest room, and I’ll live in my parents’ bedroom.
I have new sheets and covers.
Now, I’ll take you to have supper.”

“We’re at your service, host.” Lu Yin said with a smile.

They went downstairs and came to the underground parking lot first.
Then Sun Dongheng and Lu Yin got into the sports car, while others got into the Audi A8L, driving to an upscale Western restaurant.

After more than ten minutes, they reached the destination.
Since all the parking plots were occupied, Sun Dongheng parked the car in the parking lot of the hotel nearby.

When they got out of the car and walked to the restaurant.

Suddenly, five black Mercedes-Benz S600 stopped not far away, accompanied by a burst of the creaky sound of doors.

About twelve or thirteen men in black suits walked out of the cars.

It was obvious that they had a strong background.

Lu Yin and her companions looked at them with curiosity.

“Hey?” Sun Dongheng snorted.
He took two steps forward and said in a loud voice, “Brother Hu!”

“Huh?” Ah Hu turned to look at him.
Finding that it was Sun Dongheng, he nodded.

“What a coincidence, Brother Hu.
I’m going to entertain my friends, do you want to have dinner with us?” Sun Dongheng said with a smile.

“No, thanks.
We still have something to do.
Just enjoy yourself.” After giving him a response, Ah Hu rushed into the hotel.

“Brother Dong, Brother Dong, who are they? They look so scary!” Chubby asked, hiding behind Sun Dongheng.

In fact, other people also wanted to ask him this question, so they all waited for Sun Dongheng’s answer while looking at him.

“They?” Sun Dongheng thought for a while and gave them a wide smile, then said, “They’re my buddies, who were the underground gangsters before and were the superiors of Forever Harmony Association, which was the most powerful force in Southern District.
But now, they’re doing business, followed by one of our elder brothers.
I’m not talking horse.
They’re really formidable and of great influence in Southern District! Therefore, you’ll have a good time.
I carry weight here!”

“Great, great! Brother Dong, you’re so awesome.” Xiaomei said repeatedly.

“Brother Dong is awesome and really cool!” Stone gave a thumbs up to Sun Dongheng.

“Well, well.
Let’s go to have dinner first, and I’ll take you to some amazing places if I have the chance later.”

Sun Dongheng waved his hand in a free and easy way, then took the lead to the Western restaurant nearby.

At this moment, inside Mengmeng’s Leisure Restaurant.

Everyone was sitting on the sofa and chatting with each other.

As for Zhao Feng, he sat in the chair by the bed.
After answering a phone, he got up and walked to Zhang Han, then said, “Boss, I should go back as I have something to deal with.”


Zhao Feng walked out of the restaurant and got into the black Land-Rover.
When he stepped on the gas pedal, his face fell.

He drove at a high speed and arrived at the destination in five minutes.

After stopping his car in front of the hotel, Zhao Feng walked in.

At this moment, Ah Hu, Xu Yong, and their men were sitting in the rest area in the bar.
Catching sight of Zhao Feng, Xu Yong walked to him and said,

“Zhang Hongbo is at this hotel with a girl, but we don’t know which room he is in.”

“Well.” Zhao Feng nodded and went to the bar directly.
He took out the black certificate from his pocket and showed it to the staff, then said in a cold tone, “Tell me which room Zhang Hongbo lives in!”

“Okay, okay, sir please wait for a moment.” On seeing the certificate, the staff was completely shocked!

“Special forces?”

She hurriedly called the manager.
After seeing the certificate, the manager checked Zhang Hongbo’s room number without any hesitation.

“He’s in the presidential set on the 27th floor.” The manager replied.

“Show us the way.” Zhao Feng said flatly.

“Okay.” The manager responded hastily and took the lead to the elevator.

More than ten people went into the two elevators and arrived on the 27th floor.
Then the manager opened the door with a spare door card.

After entering the room, everyone seemed to hear the dissolute breaths from the master bedroom.

What were they doing?

It was obvious.

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