ink it would be good for us, we have few resources saved, ” he said with a thoughtful look and with doubt in his words.

”Do you have doubts about going? ” I asked since I couldn ignore his expression.

It was a few minutes before she answered me, but in a breath from her I got her answer.

-You really must be my husband- she said in a sigh, seeing the slight blush on Ions face, which made her very happy -As a queen I have to think about the consequences of my actions if I fail in this boat it may harm us more already that we have to get food from the store to be able to go and the village will keep the hunters to a minimum-

-I see- Ion said a little relieved to know Erikas worries.

-Besides that if the hunters are at a minimum it means that the defenses also and I am worried since the round trip can take us a week or two- seeing me again would be -Sadly I have no other option so we will leave in a few days-

”Will you let me go? ” I asked.

-I know it may sound rude, but you have no experience in battle- she told me seriously as she got up from the table and gave a signal for me to start cleaning.

-How do you know that? – I have training but I have no experience in the battlefield.

”Your hands, ” she told me as she gestured for me to follow her into the room.

-My hands?! That doesn make sense ” I said surprised

-JSJSJS, you
e very cute- he told me as he arranged some extra blankets -When you hold a weapon for a long time they will hurt you but when you fight your hands tear apart becoming much stronger than when you train your hands are very soft they belong to someone who has trained but not fought-

-I see…-

We lay on the bed and silence filled the room, I was still surprised by how he knew that I had never fought against enemies, I always trained with my companions and my family, my lack of experience in combat was the reason why I lost my home .

Erika came closer to me and put her head on my chest as she gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead, she put her head snuggled on my chest as she hugged me.

”Youll come but youll be back as far back as possible, ” he said as he fell asleep on my chest, without realizing I was already asleep too.

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