h the Comet Group for market dominance, and Do-Jin had some suspicious aspects about him.
However, Yu-Seong had taken these two under his wing and had led them as he pleased.

Consistently maintaining this attack team would undoubtedly benefit the Comet Group, and ultimately, the successor to the company would benefit the most.
As Woo-Jae ’s thoughts reached this point, he suddenly remembered the face of Yu-Seong, who had expressed a desire to inherit the chairman ’s position.
He muttered, ”Perhaps it ’s better to give it to the ninth child who wants it than the second child who doesn ’t even care if I give it to him. ”

Trembling slightly, Pil-Doo asked, ”Do you already think about it that much? ”

”Who knows.
If he’s blocked by the wall, the fifth, it ’s a meaningless story from the beginning, ” replied Woo-Jae.

“…Right.” Pil-Doo nodded in agreement.

As Woo-Jae slowly got up from his seat with a strange smile on his face, his phone began to ring in quick succession.
Of course, there weren ’t many people who could directly call him on his phone.

Woo-Jae’s gaze naturally shifted to the name on the screen, and when he saw the name Choi Ji-Ho, the expressions of both men changed once again.

”The first, first young master is…” said Pil-Doo.

”He must also have made a decision.
It’s pretty exciting, ” replied Woo-Jae as he slowly picked up his phone and pressed the call button.

”…This is Choi Ji-Ho.
How are you? ”

It had been a long time since Woo-Jae had heard his eldest son’s voice.


The room resembled a vast warehouse, and Talia approached Eveheim, who was fixated on the large TV showing the scene of Yu-Seong and his team subduing the Tyrant of the Swamp.
She quietly handed him a cup of tea.

Eveheim, who was sitting on a brown leather sofa, hunched over while watching a video, lifted his head and gave a decadent smile.
”Thank you, Talia. ”

”Don ’t mention it.
By the way… Kim Do-Jin is still the one you ’re interested in, right, Godfather? ”

”Kim Do-Jin has always been our top priority. ” Eveheim chuckled and hunched back over to take a sip of warm tea.
He said, ”But who I ’m looking at now isn ’t Kim Do-Jin. ”

Eveheim ’s gaze returned to the video after he made that strange remark.
In fact, from his perspective, the battles had been boring even with the Tyrant of the Swamp ’s massive size and power.

The Tyrant was just like any other monster to Eveheim.
In fact, if he had been involved, he wouldn’t have needed to intervene.
Even if one of the six Hexagram Masters had to fight, they would have easily defeated the Tyrant alone.
However, he still found watching the raid video enjoyable.

Talia, who followed his gaze to the video, muttered to herself, ”Meghan, that friend, seems to have almost reached her limit.
She ’s talented, but it seems like she won ’t be able to go any further. ”

”You ’re right.
That girl ’s bowl is already overflowing. ”

”Rather, that kid named Jin Yu-Ri seems quite interesting.
She ’s intelligent and familiar with assisting.
She ’s a talented person I ’d like to take on as a disciple, and I haven’t felt this way in a long time, ” Talia said as she licked her lips.

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”That guy Jin Do-Yoon seems to have potential too.
If we guide him well, he could become quite useful. ”

The person who spoke up next was Jackson, leaning against one side of the wall of the huge warehouse.
Despite his massive size, he was surprisingly quiet before he opened his mouth.
Even a decent S-rank hunter wouldn’t easily catch his sound or presence.

”Chae Ye-Ryeong, was it? That little girl caught my eye. ”

”For me, it’s Yoo Jin-Hyuk.
He’s the most talented I ’ve seen, ” said Noah and James, who were also Hexagram Masters with abilities in Projection and Demonic Beast Summoning, respectively.

The two people with similar abilities naturally looked at the talented children.
In this interesting situation, the Hexagram Masters looked at each other and laughed.

”Then, what about Jacob…? ”

”I ’ve had my eye on that guy Bernard for a long time, ” said Jacob, pointing to his chosen talented individual.

Five of the six Hexagram Masters had marked their talented individuals.
Everyone then shifted their gazes toward Olivia, the last remaining Hexagram Master.
She was known to be the quietest among them, often wearing deep black robes.
But this time, wouldn ’t she speak up?

When everyone ’s gaze was focused on Olivia, Eveheim suddenly burst into a laugh.
”See? Aren ’t you all the same as me? We are not looking at the individual, but everyone.
It ’s interesting, isn ’t it? ”

He wasn ’t just watching Do-Jin, the current top priority for the Demon King Worshipers recruitment.
Instead, he was watching the entire attack team.

At the mention of it, the Hexagram Masters ’ mouths curved into similar smiles.

”It ’s surprising that the entire attack team is made up of such excellent individuals who we are all interested in.
Then, Godfather, you must have marked one as well… ” said Jackson.

”Of course, it would be Kim Do-Jin, whom he has been watching. ” Talia received Eveheim’s words with ease.

”Choi Yu-Seong. ”

When a small voice echoed through the warehouse, everyone ’s gaze naturally followed the voice.
Olivia, with her deep robe and black hair, was looking at Eveheim.
She said, ”I want him, Choi Yu-Seong.
Give him to me, Godfather. ”

”Hmph…! ” Eveheim let out a short laugh, then shook his head with a cool expression.
”No, I refuse. ”

At his resolute answer, Olivia ’s white cheeks puffed up slightly beneath her robe.

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