
“When the grades for my first school term came out, my parents found out that I ranked last.
They, who had high expectations from me, became disgusted.
They insulted and whipped me at every turn.
At that time, I hated myself so much for being so useless.
I couldn’t even find the value or meaning of my existence in this world.”

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When Tonan said these things, he didn’t forget to put on his saddest expression.
At first glance, anyone would sympathize with how hard and unforgettable his experiences were.
Enkuu was already fascinated.
Wasn’t this similar to his current situation? He had no strength, and he was not welcomed by anyone.
Even his relatives didn’t support him.
He anxiously asked, “What about now?”

The second step of brainwashing was to show off the results.
Simply tell him about how amazing he is and let him be envious.

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Tonan sat up straight and with a sweet smile on his face, said in a slightly proud tone, “Now, I’m the last student of the Hokage-sama and the number one Konoha genius.
I defeated an Anbu captain called Konoha White Fang.
Yesterday, I killed Orochimaru, one of the Konoha sannin, who was secretly doing human experiments.”

Tonan was observing Enkuu’s expression.
Seeing his blank look, he explained, “You might not have heard of them but have you heard of the Ryuchi Cave? Manda is that cave’s strongest warrior.
He is also Orochimaru’s summoning beast.”

Tonan stuck out his index finger and waved it lightly in front of Enkuu, “One move.
I made it run back to Ryuchi Cave with one hit.
If it hadn’t dispelled the summoning technique, I’m confident that my second move would’ve killed him.”

Listening to Tonan’s words, Enkuu felt his emotions surge.
He wanted to immediately run over to Manda and stomp it under his feet.
But after a moment, his passion cooled down and he said with doubt, “You… bragging…”

Although what Tonan said was exciting, it also sounded unbelievable.
Enkuu didn’t know who Manda was but he had heard of the Ryuchi Cave, which was one of the three sacred lands.
Could this seemingly young human youth truly beat Manda?

The corners of Tonan’s mouth rose slightly.
He pulled out a sword from his back and said, “This is a divine artifact called the Kusanagi Sword.
It’s the sharpest weapon under the heavens.
This was my war trophy after I killed Orochimaru.
This sword can easily break through Enma-sama’s cover as well and defeat him.”

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Tonan held the Kusanagi and casually swung it at the huge rock in front of him.

Crack… The huge rock split into two halves.
Enkuu had become a believer.
He suddenly stood up.
Staring at Tonan fanatically, he stammered, “Tonan… -sama… please guide me.”

Tonan smiled a little and started the third step of brainwashing.

Want to be as strong as me? Want to become the second me? Then, just be obedient and learn from me.
Do what I tell you to do.

“Don’t call me -sama, just call me Tonan.
In fact, from the first time I saw you, I felt we are the same kind.
Ordinary training methods don’t have much effect on special people like us.
What we need is to find the right way.
That choice is more useful than effort.”

Tonan stood up and stretched out his hand towards Enkuu, “Are you willing to be my partner? I’ll personally teach you and make you stronger quickly.”

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