with them staring at each other.
Once it started to feel like it might go on for too long, a ‘Ta-daaa!’ sound played as the drum roll ceased.

[Unfortunate! The correct answer was ‘Jelly’!]  
“So close!! But wait, isn’t a Slime good enough!? It’s super close to a Jelly!”
[Yeah, that’s why I let you try again.
You would have gotten it if you said them both over the two tries.
But alas, you got it wrong.
You missed a 50% chance after losing the 100% chance, what an incredibly fair contest it was~.
Alright then, time for the punishment game.]  


The slapstick-wielding Golem appeared for a third time.
Standing next to Leona, it resolutely held up the slapstick.

“Kyaah~♪ Be gentle with m—kyaah… hauu♪”

The slapstick came down onto Leona’s head with a loud bang.
… The Golem and Leona stopped moving for a moment afterwards as though to enjoy the moment, but both started to move immediately upon hearing the Host’s, Euma’s, voice.

[Alright, good job, Golem-san.
Leona, here’s your participation prize candy.
Please move on to the next room through the door to your right.]  
Let’s go, Suira, Michiru!”
“” Okay, Leona-sama! “”


Leona and the rest headed into the next room in high spirits.
Moreover, the next room’s barrier was piping hot oden. [1]




After Leona and the others left, the slapstick-wielding Golem put its hands to its head and slowly detached it.
… To be exact, it was Setsuna taking off a paper mache Golem helmet.

“Puah! Aah, that Golem head was so hot…”
“Good work, Setsuna-san~”

In order to set up an opportunity for Setsuna to get a hit in on Leona, I prepared the rule that the Golem would [Strike the person’s head with a slapstick if they lost as a punishment game].
Leona kept avoiding the punishment game, but she finally had one.
Unexpectedly, Suira hadn’t been missing either.
Even for Michiru, that was her first punishment game.
Also unexpectedly, they were also able to make it through the physical-type variety games since Leona was supporting them… Well, after trying so many random things to make her have a punishment game, I finally prepared a barrier that had a practically fixed loss.

With all that going on, we had Setsuna get inside a Golem.
Then, we had her hit Leona on the head with the slapstick… In other words, the goal of Setsuna wanting to hit Leona was fulfilled.
Assuming her wish got fulfilled one-sidedly with this, I won’t need to do something like cooling Leona down after attacking her.
Otherwise, I’d have to show her Setsuna getting out from inside the Golem at some point.
… I hope she’ll accept this as her wish being fulfilled.

“So, you did hit Leona with the slapstick~… was that enough~?”
“Mmm, I thought that it wouldn’t be any good if I couldn’t hit Grandma straight up, but it feels like the curse has broken.
I want to check, so could you help me take this off?”

“Yep yep, comes right off~”

Nerune slipped out from inside the Golem with Nerune’s help.
Setsuna’s clothes and skin were covered with sweat due to her wearing the paper mache suit the whole time while waiting for Leona to get a punishment game.

“Hmm… mm.

Setsuna felt around her body like she was groping herself.
It didn’t look like anything had changed from the looks of it, but—

“… Un, the curse has lifted.”

Setsuna’s face grew delicate.
The curse was lifted, but was there something else?”

“That’s the most important thing~”
“Thank you, Nerune-san.”
“Yeah~, now for our reward~? You can pay with your body if you want~”
“Un, I’ll promise to do anything that I can do.
I could even work for a month if you want.”
I’ll just try asking my superiors~… By the way, what did Leona do to you~?”
“… U-umm… M-my body has a secret…”

Setsuna squirmed as though she was embarrassed.
I wanted to ask as well.
Just what did Leona do?

“I was cursed to believe that I was originally just an ordinary girl…! She even made Nayuta think that!”

… Eh, you were like that from the start?



Oden is a Japanese one pot winter dish consisting of several ingredients such as boiled eggs, daikon, konjac, and processed fishcakes stewed in a light, soy-flavored dashi broth.
Ingredients vary according to region and between each household. 

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