me of the lamb skewers.”

​ “Oh yeeeah, Meat-senpai’s the type that loves meat skewers huh! But they have vegetables too?”

​ “… Yeah, we can, but later.
After we go to the guild though.
We could get into hassles if we do all that in a coach with this crest on it.”

​ Besides, I wanted to hurry up and get to an inn.
After camping out for four days with the women in the coach and men outside in a tent… well, I want to sleep in a room.

​ I had to share a tent with Wataru, Gozoh, and the coachman, so there wasn’t even enough room for me to use my futon.
I’m going to use my futon tonight, dammit! My body pillowMeat too.

​ “Wataru.
Let’s stay here for two days.
I want to catch up on sleep.”

​ “I was planning on us staying here that long to replenish our supplies, anyway.”

​ That’s good, then.
Let’s not leave the inn tomorrow.

​ Like that, we reached the adventurer guild as we talked.
It was crowded.

​ “There are a ton of monsters that want to eat the livestock, so there’s also a ton of adventurers here that want to take on subjugation commissions.”

​ “Oh, so that’s why.”

​ “Alright then, we’ll deal with checking the coach in, so we’ll leave reporting our arrival to you, Kehma-san.
Oh, and here’s the luggage I got with my delivery commission.”

​ “Sure… hey, hold on.
Where’s Rokuko and Ichika?”

​ By the time I realized it, neither of them were there.
There’s no way they got lost even after we made it this far in the coach, right?

​ “They went to a nearby stall to buy something.
They should be back soon.”

​ “… Well, I guess it’ll be fine since Ichika’s with her.
Alright Meat, could you help me out with this luggage?”

​ I handed some of the luggage I’d got from Wataru to Wataru and entered the guild with her.

​ I felt gazes fall on us as we entered the guild.

​ “Let’s see, where’s the counter for turning in commissions? I have luggage here for a delivery commission.”

​ “Oh, it’s over here.
Welcome to the Mikhan branch.”

​ A person that looked to be a receptionist called us over to the counter.

​ “Alright, then here’s this, and this.
Is that it?”

​ “Yes…!? E-e-eeeeh—Watar—… nnn! Yes, that is everything.
Would you prefer for the compensation to be evenly distributed to all cooperators?”

​ “Yeah, please.”

​ Wataru had entered the guild midway through our conversation and sat down as he waited for me.

​ “Huh? What, you’re safe?”

​ “Safe? Did you think I’d manage to get into trouble from something like this?”

​ “Oh, no.
I mean, the first time I came to this guild they told me [I’ll help ya for a small fee].
I wonder if it’s just that Japanese have child faces… Right, Borl-san?”

​ “Th-That was incredibly rude of me, Hero-sama, I wasn’t aware! Please excuse my transgression!”

​ Called out by Wataru in good humor, the adventurer averted his face in embarrassment.

​ He’d thought Wataru was some sheep, but he turned out to be an S-Rank adventurer, and a hero at that… I guess it just speaks for how gentle Wataru is, seeing how often he gets mixed up in stuff like that.

​ “Looks like he’s already repented if things turned out this way.
I guess you told him to keep an eye out for adventurers with black hair or something yeah? Guess I was able to make it through without anything happening thanks to that.”

​ “That so? “Man, Borl-san, it’s a good thing you didn’t try anything with him.
I’ve challenged this guy a few times now and I haven’t even won once.”

​ “Huh!? He’s stronger than you!?”

​ … Now that I think about it, I did win against him in that loaded gamble and that handicapped mock fight, but I don’t think that makes me stronger than him?

​ “Not to mention how he challenged a flame dragon the other day and came out uninjured.
Just him and the girl next to him.”

​ “He brought a child to a natural disaster—an A-Ranked monster!?”

​ Well, I guess I did? It was just a farce since that flame dragonIgni was Ontentoo’s daughter, though.

​ “Hey, cut it out Wataru.
You know I don’t like making a fuss.”

​ “Isn’t it fine if it’s just now and then? I mean, it’s not everyday you leave Golen.”

​ Has Wataru been a bit overly conscious of calling me by name, saying I’m from Golen, and spreading information about me since a bit ago?

​ Meat looked happy though.
Her tail was wagging at ninety miles an hour.

​ “… By the way, this girl here’s even stronger than me~”

​ “G-Goshujin-sama?”

​ “This little girl’s stronger than the man who’s stronger than the hero…!?”

​ Although looking puzzled at being brought to the limelight, she looked at Wataru and spoke.

​ “Umm… H-He’s stronger.”

​ “The hero is stronger than the girl who’s stronger than the man who’s stronger than the hero!”

​ “Ahahaha, what the heck?”

​ Wataru laughed cheerfully.
I think he said the guy’s called Borl? Seems like a go with the flow kind of guy.
Let’s all get some alcohol after this.

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