Today Yaksha was able to use a sword again.

Today Jun Xuanheng taught Yaksha to write.

Today Jun Xuanheng bought Yaksha new clothes.

Today Jun Xuanheng picked out a new sword for Yaksha.


Zhongli Zixi sneered: This Jun Xuanheng behaves strangely, he surely has some other plans, I will keep a close eye on him.

Ye Yin said: If you want to follow those two useless people, you don’t need to bother me, why doesn’t Second Young Master hire an ordinay Shadow Guard instead?

As soon as he said that, his head was no longer on his shoulders.

Zhongli Zixi asked in a cool tone: Is it your turn to teach me? …..
Ye Jun, go to the Nightrunner and pass on my words, it’s time to appoint a new Ye Yin, I don’t have much patience.

Someone hidden from sight agreed, and immediately left without making a sound.

Yaksha betrayed the Lord and killed his Master, it’s impossible for anyone to trust him.
It’s even more impossible for anyone to love him.

If Jun Xuanheng was plotting something, that would be wonderful.

If Yaksha has really been lucky enough to run into a sincere person…..
he will certainly find a way to dig up this past from it’s bloody grave and stuff it right in front of the eyes of this new Master.


[Parallel Lines – Abandoned Thing – end]

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