Little Terrified Bun Chapter 70

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“En?” His tone was threatening.
Xu Jiaming looked at his apprentice with a commanding attitude.
He raised the child for a year and treated Li Pei almost like a son.
The child was stubborn even though he appeared to be gentle.
He wouldn’t accept Xu Jiaming’s monetary assistance and he wouldn’t move into his house to live with them.

Xu Jiaming could only occasionally buy him clothes and tell him that his artworks were sold at a higher price than expected when it was Xu Jiaming who paid the additional amount in order to provide him more financial assistance so that the child could live better.

But after a year, not only did the child not gain weight, he became thinner.

Li Pei hesitated for a few seconds, then took off his worn coat before Xu Jiaming’s stern eyes.
He wore a round collared sweater on the inside, and the loose collar revealed an extremely noticeable red mark on his neck.

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Xu Jiaming gritted his teeth.
He pulled the collar more outwards and vaguely saw more bruises on the youngster’s back.

“He hit you.” Xu Jiaming really wanted to kill him.
What kind of father that bastard was.
Not only was he too lazy to earn money to take care of the household, he even consumed alcohol and gambled every single day.
When he lost money, he returned to the house and abused his wife and child.

No money can fill a gambler’s endless desire.

“I’m fine, it doesn’t hurt.” Li Pei shrugged with indifference and reassured his master, “Master, you know that I have light skin, that's why the marks look scary, but actually, they don’t hurt at all.”

“Silly child.” Xu Jiaming rubbed the child’s head.
How could it not hurt when you were being hit? “Wait here.
I’ll ask Aunt Xu to bring some alcohol and I’ll rub it for you so that the bruise will go away sooner.”

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Li Pei nodded obediently.
The lingering warmth on his head made him feel warm.


Inside a graceful Cha Chaan Teng (a Hong Kong style restaurant), faint music from the saxophone lingered in one’s ear.

Wei Zhe sat in one of the corners.
The person sitting across from him was a middle-aged man who looked thirty-ish, and had his hair neatly combed behind his ears.
Meanwhile, he wore a clean and tidy blue striped suit on his thin body, with leather shoes on his feet.

Actually, suits aren’t suitable for someone who was overly thin because it would make them look like a child who stole their parent’s clothes; the oversized clothes made them appear slightly hilarious.

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Wei Zhe picked up the contract in black and white and skimmed from the top to the bottom.
He invested three million RMB, accounting for 12% of the profit, a pretty decent reward.
However, there was an additional rule that explicitly stated that he can only invest and earn the profit.
He had no control over how the movie was going to be filmed or who the actors were.

The director was probably concerned about the whimsical mood of a thirteen year old like Wei Zhe, that he would appoint certain actors or add and delete parts of the film on an impulse.

Wei Zhe smiled with indifference.
He wasn’t interested in film making originally.
He simply wanted to earn some money.

After the two of them discussed the details of the contract, Wei Zhe readily signed the contract.

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The skinny director froze.
He looked at the handsome teenager in front of him and couldn’t help but exclaim, “You don’t look like a thirteen year old child at all.
I didn’t know anything when I was your age, I only knew how to have fun.”

The hand Wei Zhe held onto the pen with paused, then pushed the document towards the director and he replied casually, “Always prepare ahead of time before signing a contract, right?”

“You’re right.” The director let out a sigh.
“Unlike me.
I didn’t choose the right person in the first place, which almost destroyed my movie.” His voice was full of hatred.

The person who divested was his close acquaintance, so he didn’t sign the contract as soon as possible.
Who would have thought that the person would go back on his words?

“Please rest assured.” Wei got up while patting on the man’s shoulder.
“That person will regret it.”

The chance of a profit increase by tenfold won’t just show up all the time.

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