The next month Rudra was swamped with work. However the atmosphere at work , was not exactly workable to be frank.

Four women were extremely pissed at Rudra for very different reasons… The atmosphere could be considered boiling at the very least , as shots and jabs were taken at him left and right.

Amelia was pissed at Rudra ditching work , he had to listen a long lecture about how she too had a life and that work hours do not equal 24 hours a day and emergency work should not last for 5 days a week.

While Rudra and the boys were off to questing , saving the emperor , Amelia literally had to work overtime both in game and in real life. Her throat was sore , there were dark circles under her eyes. And it seemed like she had a mild fever.

Rudra was extremely apologetic over the situation , and soo was Karna . The two were seen lurking around her work desk in the game , coming to check on her every 15 minutes or so. Trying to help her as much as they could.

At first Amelia was genuinely pissed off , but her anger soon evaporated seeing the two boys run left and right around her , and seeing their dumb attempts at logistic work.

After a while she just could not stay angry at them , they were just too cute for that. However , she wanted to enjoy the VIP treatment for a bit longer , soo she continued to act like she was pissed , now thoroughly enjoying the show.

This had a huge impact on the guild members too , when they saw Rudra and Karna running around her all the time , they understood the real power dynamic in the guild. The position of Amelia was solidified as the third boss of the guild .

The second one to be pissed off with Rudra was Furball. It could smell the faint traces of Ruby ’s smell on Rudra and it was actually a pleasant and calming smell of nature. She naturally did not know that the smell stemmed from a human and not another pet.

Furball had never been in contact with Elves , all she ever smelt was Humans , and humans did not smell soo good. Hence she assumed that Rudra had been fondling some other pet and was hence throwing a temper tantrum.

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