MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 425: War(6) : The Legion Of Doom

( POV Rhino )

Rhino was tense , in his hand his heavy shield as he expected hordes of enemies bumping into him any moment , to try push the tank line back to enter Purplehaze city.

Infront of him were the elders of the guild , although he had immense faith in those guys ahead of him , but there comes a point where one falters , seeing thousands of men charging at the narrow passageway leading towards the East gate.

It was the slowest 30 minutes of his life , as he watched and watched , hundereds of Triad members trying to fight their way past 6 men . Yet no matter how much rhino anticipated contact , not one single man went past that line.

Looking back at this exact moment , a week later , Rhino said this in a interview with Dewdiepie on his channel.

” You always dream about such moments , a few standing against many. It ’s part of the reason why I love the Elites and Omega soo much , as here , you can become as strong as a army alone.

Although I ’m not at that level , the elders in the guild are just incredible. The triads never stood a chance . ”

( Rudra ’s POV )

Rudra had Excalibur in one hand and Elven sword in another , Doom Armour plated on his chest , he was feeling confident in his ability to slaughter.

His cultivator status , his tier 3 strength and his out of the world stats , all gave him an incredible edge in this fight , and he was not afraid one bit . As he knew that the people around him were just as capable.

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