Chapter 536 A King needs his Queen

The moment Rudra had the crown placed on his head , all the elites lost their mind , as cheers and champagne flowed through the streets of Purplehaze city like water.

Rudra also felt goosebumps arise on his body , as he saw everyone in the room standing and clapping for him , as even the tier 5 existances in the room were standing in applause.

When Rudra looked at his boy Karna , the two just grinned at each other without saying a word , as both of them were overwhelmed with emotion and needed a moment to get hold of their vocal cords again.

When the cheers died down a little , Rudra finally raised his hand for silence as he said ” Thankyou pope for doing me this honor. I hope I can become a righteous king who will be fondly remembered by my people ”.

The pope smiled in response , as the church officials like the paladins and cardinal Lee all politely tapped their weapons or feet in applause of Rudra ’s commitment to the church.

But this was just formality for Rudra as after that he really said something that he meant from the bottom of his heart.

He said ” Today there are many distinguished gentlemen present here , hence let me declare it here itself that although i am the king of this new territory , my kingdom will always remain a part of the Hazelgroove Empire and a pillar of Emperor Cervantez ’s infinite glory ”.

As he said this he looked at Cervantez who gave him a warm smile as he glanced towards the lizardmen king with a smug expression , as he made it clear who was the boss around this place , as the lizardmen king only snorted in response.

Rudra continued ” This position is given to be by the trust of the millions of citizens of the previous Nineclouds kingdom , and i assure you all , i will not dissapoint as your leader! ”.

Rudra made a bold statement , as cheers to his commitment could be heard from the common masses outside .

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