Monster Integration

Chapter 59 Night Blade Style

styles which help me increase my speed and agility would be best, it will help to quickly kill the monsters and if the need arises it would even help me to run from the monster that I can ’t handle.

I started to browse styles for speed and agility and soon I got results. from those results, I started to select those that I liked and soon seven results appeared in front of me.

The seven of them are good and I don ’t know to choose one but soon an idea comes to my mind, why not choose the style whichever ’s class starts first.

Nigh Blade Combat Style, this is the combat style I selected because its new class starts from the day after tomorrow.

It is a six months course and will cost me about half a million credits to learn but they have a special offer for independent adventures.

I have pay half a million in three month period, even before leveling up I would have easily able to pay half million in three months but now that I am leveled up I didn ’t think I would even need a whole month to do that.

I immediately signed up class and paid a hundred thousand credits and I just have to pay four hundred thousand credits more.

It had taken me more than four hours to research and select fighting style, seeing it ’s the early afternoon I quickly were my practice suit and walk toward the training facility.

I am really excited to test my power after leveling up and decided to fight against initial Specialist Grade evolver.

when I reach the training facility there is no empty ring available for me to issue a challenge, looks like I just have to wait for a little to get a chance to test my power.

some people were watching the fights while others were doing their own training, I spotted some familiar faces but didn ’t go there to talk to them as I might lose ring if I distracted.

All the people that are fighting in the ring, I don ’t think any of them compare to Sarah and Reynard in point of combat technique. I had fought with Reynard and watched Sarah fight, I can clearly see the distance between them and us.

According to me, Sarah hasn ’t shown her in yesterdays hunting I think she is much more powerful than she let on yesterday and if I fought with her, she can finish me off in ten minutes.

She is the best example big organizations elite, we normal people can ’t compare to them.

I may be not compared to her now but I will triumph over her in the future, that ’s the promise I made to myself.

Soon the fight ended in one ring, I circulated the move of exercise to gain more speed, if I were second late other people will enter in my stead.

But just a entered the ring, I find another boy entered ahead of me, he is a normal looking boy wearing black practice suit, the most distinctive thing about him that two practice daggers in his hand.

it is very hard to see people who use daggers as most of the people use medium or long reach weapons.

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