Lin Huang felt a tug on his waist, lowering his head, he saw a blood sash tied around his body, tugging him in the direction of the cave.


He immediately knew what Shirou was up to.
Choosing to trust Shirou, he let go of the wall and instantly he felt a strong tug as Shirou pulled him into the cave.


With his feet firmly on solid ground, the stable footing gave him a surge of confidence.
At this moment, he felt like he conquer the world… Fighting on a mountain wall truly wasn’t his strong point.


Translated and Edited by Catato Patch

“Thanks.” He nodded at Shirou and thanked him before quickly turning to face the entrance.

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He decided to take a quick peek out of the cave.
As he stuck his head out, his eyes met with a couple dozen other pair of murderous eyes.
At this moment, two very different thoughts dominated the scene.
Shit! and Get Him!


He retreated immediately and surveyed the cave.
With its 2 meters width, the geese were definitely not able to squeeze in.
However, this did not stop them from trying as the geese frantically dived at the cave entrance with a frenzied look on their face.


He initially ignored their frenzied but futile attempts at squeezing inside, but after 2-3 hours of continuous attempts without any sign of the flock giving up, he finally started to panic.
The flock had no intention of giving up, just the opposite, they even called their friends to join the party.

At that moment, he received a grim reminder that humans lived in fear of the geese and that he was disgraced to live in the cage he called a cave.
He remembered the videos of geese attacking humans from his time on Earth.
He laughed and scorned at the humans then, but in a twist of fate he was faced with the attack of the geese.

Lin Huang was stumped by the predicament he was in.
The Gray Eagle 17 had a limited effect on the geese and his armor piercing bullets only numbered 4, clearly not enough to kill the flock.
Shirou could kill the geese but having only advanced once, he attack range was only 20 metres, not enough to defeat the entire flock.


Another 3 hours passed, the sky had turned dark by now.
He quietly peeked out of the cave again to check on the flock.
They were all still there, hundreds of them.


“Looks like they are planning to grind me out.
If they keep guarding the entrance, how am I going to finish the exam?” He thought to himself as he chewed on his jerky.

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His vision shifted to the opposite end of the cave.
“At the other end of this mountain is 7D121, if we keep digging, we should be able to exit on the side of 7D121! Won’t I be able to bypass the mountain then?!” He shouted at no one in particular, excitement apparent in his voice.


Just as he was about to proceed with his ingenious plan, the geese started clamoring.


Lin Huang tiptoed to the entrance and peeked out once more.
The geese flock was rapidly retreating as a giant black feathered bird descended upon the cave entrance.


He gasped in horror as the bird’s identity became clearer by the second.
It was a Black Precipice Sparrow of the giant family of birds.


It had a body spanning 30 meters and with its wings fully extended, it reached 50 meters.
It’s monstrous size was at least double that of Tyrant’s.


From the looks of its body, it was probably about to breakthrough to the BlueCopper realm.


Surprisingly, the newcomer bird didn’t chase the fleeing geese but instead dug into the mountain face with its claws, shoved its face at the cave entrance and peered into the cave.
Right into eyes of Lin Huang…


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