suit.” Teacher Xiao Zhang shook her head, “the last monthly test ended, we can’t help them any further, it’s up to them in the next two break days.”

After the monthly tests ended, they had one week of break before it was NCEE.

Lu Yu Chen stayed over at Xuan Mo’s house during this last week to do some last minute revision.

After deciding that he was applying for the technical institute, he wasn’t particularly stressed.
Even so, he still hoped that he score as high as possible, of course if he could score well enough to… cough cough, reach the entrance score to Nat Def… while he knew this wasn’t realistic, he was still serious giving it his all.

Xuan Mo had no idea what he had going on in his mind, neither did she know what’s so controversial about the choice he selected, or how special this university was.
All she knew was that he wanted to be a police officer in the future.
This was enough to garner her support for him.

Xuan Mo’s mother had pretty much recovered.
She’d originally wanted to extend her break and take up the task of looking after her daughter in the next few days, and settle the household matters while she was at it.
In the end however, she couldn’t cook as well as the housekeeper, and she wasn’t the one doing household chores usually to begin with, so she was unfamiliar.
Not only so, her daughter summarised her existence as being an “obstruction”.
And so, she could only return to work with a broken heart.

In fact, Xuan Mo even found the housekeeper a hindrance.
She wasn’t accustomed to having a stranger hanging around her personal territory in the long term.
And so, she told the housekeeper to leave after preparing food in the morning; they would heat the food up on their own for lunch and dinner.

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And so, for the entire week from at least eight in the morning till nine at night, Lu Yu Chen happily stayed with Xuan Mo in their own world.

NCEE came very quickly.

The last examination was Integrated Humanities.

After Xuan Mo filled in the last blank, Xuan Mo paused for a moment as she looked at the page, suddenly recalling the first time she’d gripped a pen and wrote her name in the name field.
The words she’d scrawled were ugly, and she’d been incredibly unhappy and aggrieved.
In the end, not only did she break the pen, she’d even realised that she had to relearn the knowledge she already knew according to this world.

Her glumness followed her after that.
Now, she sat here obediently, in accordance to how humans lived their life – study, take exams, go shopping… and now, take the NCEE.

Alright, she’s temporarily giving in to fate.
There will be a time where she won’t have to follow through step by step with the things the people here have to do, and no one would be able to stop her then.

Xuan Mo submitted her paper, turning to leave quietly as she listened to the excited cheers around her.

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Lu Yu Chen wasn’t in the same examination hall as her.
Xuan Mo’s mother drove over to pick her up.
At the entrance, she saw Yi Hai Lan, Tang Jing Ze, Tian Jing Jing, Qi Shan, and Tian Jing Jing’s boyfriend Chen Jun Jie.

When they saw Xuan Mo, they walked forward, asking: “How’s the NCEE?”

Xuan Mo was a little puzzled: “Why are you guys here?”

“C’mon, don’t tell me you’re not gonna allow us to come to your NCEE?” Qi Shan smiled and pulled Tian Jing Jing: “And Jing Jing, c’mon, don’t be awkard, c’mere, say something.”

Tian Jing Jing minced her lips, not speaking.
She walked forward and grabbed Xuan Mo’s hands: “Mo Mo…”


“…Let’s go sing karaoke during the holidays.”

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