Ul’s Adventurer Guild, although it was a renovated bar, it was kept clean. 

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Uruk’s Adventurer Guild was the complete opposite, it was dark and dirty.

There were dark red stains in several places on the walls, and it was easy to imagine the drunk adventurers acting violently. 

To put it plainly, it was just as I had imagined an Adventurer Guild to be like. 

Was I the only one who felt that the nature of the guildmaster was reflected in the guild?

There was a large service counter within the Adventurer Guild, and behind it, the staff members were busily working.

There were fewer staff members than the one in Ul, and the requests weren’t posted either. 

TN: Uruk was used here, but you can’t compare it with itself.
I changed it accordingly.

Most likely, the staff members behind the counter were purchasing monster parts, as well as accepting commissions and sorting them out by rank. 

Clearly, it was inefficient, and illogical. 

Meanwhile, the adventurers were drowning themselves with alcohol in the rest area within the Adventurer Guild.

All of the adventurers were like this.

Don’t drink so early in the morning.

When I opened the door and entered, almost all eyes gathered on me, then Amelia, before moving onto Yoru.

When we’re walking around, it’s always like this, so you get used to it.

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「Welcome to Uruk’s Adventurer Guild.
What business do you have today?」


Seeing Amelia and turning pale, a staff member came out from behind the counter and came rushing over to us.

Amelia’s face had become well-known due to that pageant.

Thanks to that, every time we go out, we become the center of attention, and the person herself ignored it, but it’s extremely uncomfortable for me.

「That’s, it’s Princess Amelia, isn’t it….」

「…why is she not abducted yet? Even though the winners of the pageant all disappear.」

「At any rate, she’s probably an imposter.」

The voices of the drunkards echoed clearly within the guild.

Did they intentionally say that so that we could hear it.

Why were drunkards, so troublesome.

It seems that they didn’t insult Yoru because they couldn’t see him from where they were.

Maa, if they did badmouth him, I wouldn’t stay silent either. 

「Also, the man dressed in all black that seems to be her escort, you can tell that he’s weak, and if he blocks an attack, wouldn’t he go flying?」

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When a redheaded man sitting nearby said that, Amelia’s eyebrows twitched.

I didn’t care, but it seems that it rubbed Amelia the wrong way.

She answered the guild staff member, though her gaze was on that adventurer.

「It’s nothing important.
We only came to see what kind of place the Adventurer Guild in the beastmen’s largest country was like.
However, it seems that the adventurers here are nothing but wussy people.
The Adventurer Guild had been noisy since early in the morning, it’s a real nuisance.」

TN: actually, it’s supposed to be “effeminate” instead of “wussy”, but that didn’t really feel right since Amelia is a girl who is using her own gender to insult other people.
So I changed it to “wussy” since she’s trying to insult their masculinity and this is good enough to as an attack on their male ego?

For Amelia’s eyes to be at absolute zero at a time like this was only right.

For the temperature of the room to change just because she was angry was something that only Amelia could do.

The nearby staff member gave a shriek and took a step back.

「What did you say!? I’m telling you, I’m the silver-ranked adventurer Raul-sama! Raul the Whirlwind! Who is wussy!!」

I wanted to say something to the lion beastman who kicked the chair and stood up.

So what.

Coldly looking at him, perhaps Amelia was thinking the same thing as her eyes narrowed.

「So? If you’re a silver-ranked adventurer and have nickname, then you can do whatever you wanted? You can say whatever you wanted? Don’t be so conceited.」

Even though her words were like that of what a mother would say to her mischievous child, the chilling intimidation was obvious and it was scary.

If it were me, I’d immediately apologize, but it seems that this adventurer thought differently.

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「Shut up, shut up, shut up!!」

Screaming like a child, the lion adventurer raised his fist and aimed it at Amelia.

The other adventurers raised their voices, and didn’t stop him.

「…as expected, I can’t overlook that.」

I embraced Amelia from behind and caught his fist. 

Far from being sent flying, my body did not even budge. 

It was as if I was hit by a baby.

Raul, was it, the lion adventurer was looking at me with disbelief in his eyes.

「Amelia, you’re overstimulated.
…sorry for causing trouble.
However, your heads might fly, so it would be better if you don’t say anything excessive.
Since Amelia’s the genuine elven princess.」

After saying a few words to Amelia who was in my arms, I shifted my attention to the drunkards. 

When I warned them, the drunk people recalled what they had said and their faces turned pale.

The guild staff member who was looking at Amelia with suspicion shifted his gaze as well.

「You bastard, rather than that, let go of my hand!!」

When I turned towards Raul who was roaring, not caring about anyone else, his golden eyes darkened as he glared at me.

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Yoru’s were a beautiful golden color.

「I don’t think so.
If I let you go, you might hit me again.
You, you start attacking people even though you don’t know how strong your opponent is.
And, did your parents not teach you to take care of your things?」

I looked at the fallen chair that had been kicked and said this.

Due to the impact from the kick, one of the legs of the chair was broken. 

Raul wasn’t listening and was trying to take his hand back, but neither his hand nor mine budged.

「I got it, so let me go!!」

I didn’t know if he actually understood what I was saying, but for now, I released his hand.

「Sorry! Raul-kun is an idiot, so he can’t skillfully gauge an opponent’s strength!」

A girl with blonde hair sitting in something similar to a wheelchair came out from among the guild staff members, and bowed her head towards us. 

Or rather, she ridiculed him in an extremely serious tone of voice.

「What did you say!? Kelia! How am I an idiot!」

「You picking fights with people, no matter who it is, there’s no end to it!」

Raul said this to the girl in the wheelchair and approached her, but the girl named Kelia puffed out her cheeks and clenched her fist.

「Ha ha, there they go again.」

「Everyday, I’m tired of it.」

Did they do that all the time, the tense atmosphere within the Adventurer Guild that was caused by us seemed to have dissipated.

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