wn out into the distance.
It struggled a few times on the ground before an enormous foot from the sky stomped it into Azure Dragon Lake.

A huge giant had appeared after the four ancestral gods.

It was a cyclops wearing primitive garments of animal fur.
Brandishing an ax of white bone, he whirled it in frenzied dance at Lu Yun.
This was a potentate, an unknown potentate that’d suddenly appeared out of nowhere!

Keeping a firm foot on the black qilin, its bone ax whistled down onto Lu Yun’s head.
The momentum that the giant brought to bear rivaled what the eleven potentates had shown on the battlefield.

This was one of the Curse King’s trump cards.

At the same time, the eleven potentates summoned their nations’ ultimate weapons to them with a wave of their hand.
The treasures took shape as different kinds of weapons—the form of these weapons wasn’t fixed.
It was just that crossbow shaped weapons were the most easily utilized by other cultivators in the divine nations.

Now that the potentates themselves were wielding the weapons, they changed into what the potentates were most comfortable with.
The Yin Yang Crossbow, for instance, split into two swords that landed in the Yin and Yang Potentates’ hands.
The division did nothing to decrease the weapon’s strength.

Moving forward without another word, the eleven potentates charged Lu Yun.
They still followed the same plan as before—use their full strength to decisively kill this strangely marvelous young man in one blow.

The Glacial Fire Hammers formed a boundary of ice and fire in which the power of order reigned supreme.
This was the sequence of ice that belonged to the overlord of Ice.

The power of sequence immediately churned the cyclops’ bone ax into pieces and sent him flying into the distance.
Silver fire flared over Lu Yun’s body and ignited the four ancestral gods.

The living corpses howled and wailed with agony as the disordered hellfire not only consumed existences that violated the Hongmeng, but also ignited the dead.
While the living corpses were alive, they were also dead.
They were corpses, after all.

The eleven potentates once more threatened Lu Yun, their combined might breaking through his boundary.
A mist of blood sprayed from his pores—this was a power that he could not withstand.

He retreated.
Step by step, he retreated.

Lu Yun was deploying the Glacial Fire Hammers to the utmost that he could manage.
Strands of icy blue chains materialized in the air, criss-crossing into locks that sealed off the air.
He didn’t know what they were, but he knew that if it wasn’t for them, he’d already be dead.

A ray of purple sword light cut through the horizon and smashed through the void in front of Lu Yun.
It formed a vacuum that absorbed the eleven potentates’ attacks.
A young man in purple robes walked through, raising a sword with only the blade and no hilt.

He was so handsome that it was otherworldly, and he bore a strong resemblance to Lu Yun.
His eyes, however, were long and narrow like a fox’s.
A mischievous sparkle glinted out of it at any moment, but for now, it was raging killing intent.

“I will not suffer to live under the same sky as those who would kill my father.
if you want to kill my father, I will kill you.” Lu Qing’s hiltless sword erupted with purple light as he leveled it at the eleven potentates.


Originally belonging to Qing Yu, she’d sent it to Lu Qing at some point in time.
He had come back to the third realm with it and stood in front of his father.

The void began to close; father and son stood against the combined offensive from eleven potentates.

“Long time no see, father.” Lu Qing turned back and grinned brilliantly at Lu Yun, his towering killing intent melting away in the joy of reunion.

etvolare's Thoughts

This is only their second meeting that's been presented to us, right?

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