Chapter 79 – New discovery?

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“Like…” Pei Yechen suddenly became incoherent, “Don’t like, I, I won't talk to you anymore.
Hurry up and lead the way, we don't have time to waste.”

Song Junyue narrowed his eyes and glanced at Chu Yu, then said, “Come with me.”

Chu Yu didn't want to interrupt the two's confession, but the chat with Pei Yechen just now had been delayed for a long time, and it was urgent to get the materials.


Song Junyue took Chu Yu around many crooked labyrinths and opened countless doors before reaching the end.

“This is it.” Song Junyue entered the final password with a cautious expression on his face, “This is a top-secret resource, so we must keep it properly, and we can only use this most primitive layer-by-layer encryption method.”

“It's okay, be careful.” Chu Yu pushed open the door, and was suddenly stunned by a pink light.

His conditioned reflex narrowed his eyes and blocked the dazzling light with his arms, waiting for his eyes to get used to it before he had time to be shocked.

This entire warehouse is at least as big as an underground base.

However, this place is actually filled with pink crystal ores.

Dark patterns of energy surged in the pink crystal ore as if life were flowing in it.

Chu Yu was slightly shocked that he could secretly transport so many crystal ores without being discovered by the Zerg.

“Jingheng…how long have you been preparing for?” He was somewhat incredulous.

Song Junyue said lightly: “The year you were promoted to second lieutenant, he started a secret plan, claiming to be exploring alien life, but in fact, he secretly dispatched a group of battleship pilots to explore a galaxy that astronomers long ago claimed might have life.”

Chu Yu frowned: “Is he not afraid of attracting something more terrifying than the Zerg?”

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“Afraid.” Song Junyue suddenly laughed cruelly, “But what is more terrible than our own destruction?”

Chu Yu was silent for a moment.

“But by this decision, the marshal did not act recklessly.” Song Junyue continued, “Even if he provokes other monsters, the worst result is that there will be no more Protoss in this universe.
Since going leads to death, not going also leads to death, why not gamble?”

Chu Yu looked at those pink crystal ores and didn't feel it was beautiful at all, only terrifying.

Resources are scarce in this universe, and countless beings will compete for resources in order to survive.

“Yes.” Chu Yu stretched out his hand and felt the psychic power coming from the pink crystal mine, something they had sacrificed many warriors to get.

He has no time to be sentimental about the objective laws of the existence of the universe, and he has no time to sympathize with life from the perspective of God.

He is just a Protoss, and he just wants to live in this world and spend the rest of his life with the people he likes.

“Fortunately, the civilization development of the other galaxy…
is still in the Stone Age similar to ours.” Song Junyue suddenly smiled, “When the marshal went to their planet, those people worshiped him as a god, the marshal had wanted to wipe their civilization out of this universe, and also to prevent that civilization from developing to a point where it would be like our relationship with the Zerg.”

“And then?”

“But he didn't.
He passed on some 'oracles' to the humans there, using them as our labor force, and then asked me to pass on certain scientific knowledge to the people there.
In this way, we have both their trust and what we want.”

“He still has a hand.” Chu Yu smiled.

“…As expected of you.
He did keep a hand, and he blocked their technological limit.” Song Junyue said this, his scalp tingling, “Marshal's methods are really cruel, everyone who is engaged in theoretical science knows…
It is through repeated experiments that we can slowly discover the laws and establish mathematical models.
However, the marshal has sent a few people to monitor them.
As long as any scientist finds a law that exceeds the scientific and technological warning line, he will immediately let the ‘god’ he made, and let his followers kill scientists with their own hands.” Song Junyue said slowly, “His followers are quite devout, you can't even imagine how fanatical they are.”

“Is it the same as the one who proposed the heliocentric theory and was burned to death?” Chu Yu looked at the pink crystal ore in front of him, which seemed to be stained with blood, “People always believe what they want to believe, and the rest are all alien.”

Song Junyue was a little surprised: “You don't think he is cruel?”

Chu Yu smiled: “Being in the dark forest of the universe, this is nothing but the strong prey.
We are not gods, and there is no need to save the world.
We are not as cruel as the Zerg, which is the greatest kindness, and it is difficult for you to believe those people from the bottom of your heart.
In the future, people will find the truth of the universe, find out that all this is a deception, and then come back to god and become angry and become our enemy, right?”

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“I misunderstood.” Song Junyue suddenly smiled lightly, “I originally thought that you were protected too well by Marshal Chu and then by Marshal Shen, so you would become kind, but I didn't expect you to be very capable.
I didn’t think you’d be able to tell the difference, so I’m relieved.”

Chu Yu just smiled at him and didn't say any more.


To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to oneself.
This was the most important lesson he had ever learned from his opponent's general in his last life.

It's not that the general has no chance to kill him, it's just that the general doesn't want to believe that his subordinates say that he is a traitor to the enemy country.

The general has asked him more than once, will you betray me?

He told the general with affirmative and sincere eyes: No.

The general said: I believe you.

In the end, he still betrayed the general, he still took the general's life, and also took the general's head.

He will always remember the look in the general's eyes when he was able to block the knife, but deliberately let his knife pierce his chest – not resentment, not anger, but tenderness.

This was the worst lie he ever told.

He helped his country win the war, and won the reputation that his being an Omega could also serve the country, but lost his honesty.

He doesn't love the general, his appearance in front of the general is a complete design, but the general loves him very much.

I love him so much that I lost my life.

From then on, he told himself that if he wanted to win, he had to give up his humanity sometimes.
Only people who are extremely dehumanized can survive in this dark forest.

“These materials should be enough for me to equip each person in the army with a psychic protection shield.” Chu Yu pulled back to the topic, “Within three days, all members of the Psychokinesis army will work here.
In addition, I need a few cutting machines to cut these raw ores into wearable spar, and each spar is about the size of two thumb nails.”

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“Okay, I will complete the task as soon as possible.” Song Junyue replied, “In addition, I need to confirm…
Can you make sure that there are no suspicious people in the Psychokinesis Army?”

“No.” Chu Yu said, “It's still the same, including you and me, none of us can be trusted.”

“…” Song Junyue sighed, “If you use psychic power to detect every soldier, can't you detect their abnormal psychic power?”

Chu Yu shook his head: “I have tried, but there is no way, because the Zerg's psychic power and our components are the same, and we can only distinguish whether it is an enemy or a friend from the aggressiveness of the psychic power.”

“I'm too naive.” Song Junyue smiled helplessly, “Okay, I'll leave the rest to the psychokinesis army.”

Chu Yu nodded, and then Song Junyue left.

Facing the crystal mine of the entire base alone, he somehow always remembered the memories of his previous life.

How elated they were when they first saw the crystal mine, and how desperate they were when they faced the Zerg.

Maybe it's because people's memory has really existed for too long, or because the war is coming, he will always think about a lot of things unconsciously.

This life, and the previous life.
Every experience, every battle, and every choice leads to a different ending.

——Before a person dies, he will look back and remember his life.

He suddenly thought of this sentence, and a little uneasiness rolled up in his heart.

Rather, Pei Yechen has been feeling uneasy ever since he chatted with him just now.

It seems that Pei Yechen is also saying his last words, and it seems that Song Junyue is also saying his last words.

Chu Yu shook his head and pushed the messy thoughts out of his mind.

In any case, the most important thing now is to equip the Army with defensive equipment.

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He closed his eyes and poured his psychic power into the crystal ore closest to him.
The crystal ore was like a fish lacking water.
As soon as it touched Chu Yu's psychic power, it suddenly began to inhale it.
Chu Yu's psychic power seemed to be out of control as he drilled in hard.

Chu Yu groaned, obviously not ready to be suddenly drained of his psychic power.

There are too many of these crystal ores, only one or two pieces would be fine, but they are all piled up together and become a huge aggregate.

And this huge collection is like a greedy minion, desperately absorbing limited psychic power.

Chu Yu roughly estimated the total amount of crystal ore in the base and his own psychic power.
Even 10,000 of himself would not be enough to provide for the crystal ores.

If his control is not good, he may even be completely absorbed by the crystal ore, and finally lose consciousness.

Chu Yu carefully divided a part of psychic power to control the input of power, which made his body feel better.

The light blue tentacle-like psychic power was slowly injected into the pink crystal ore, and you could see the veins like blood vessels flowing slowly inside the crystal ore.

With every injection of psychic power, the pink crystal ore will emit a faint light, as if breathing.

Chu Yu fell into a subtle meditation.


If you compress this crystal ore…
let all these crystal ores be compressed into crystals as big as a fist, will this crystal ore take away the psychic power of the cerebral worm at the moment when the Zerg's psychic power touches it?

Chu Yu suddenly opened his eyes.

Yeah, why had he never thought of it this way?

Since psychic power can be stored, it means that the crystal ore itself has the characteristic of absorbing psychic power!

In other words, when the cerebral worms are unprepared, let the crystal ores absorb their psychic power, and they will lose their most important command hub in an instant, and the so-called cerebral worms, in front of humans, are just a joke.
Just bugs.

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