a moment’s judgment was very beneficial in the battle between Absolutes.

“Are you comforting yourself?”

His nose seemed to have been completely cut off.
The bleeding didn’t stop even when taking an hemostatic agent.
Every time he opened his mouth, blood entered his throat.
However, Grid spoke while disregarding it.

“You know you are going to lose, but it seems like you are determined to fight.”

In any case, the duration of boarding Nefelina was limited to one minute.
There were only 39 seconds left.
There was no reason to dwell on the bleeding.
Grid wanted to finish the battle as soon as possible and his provocation worked.

Even if he didn’t do this, wasn’t Zeratul disgraced in front of everyone watching after receiving a big blow? Both ends of his thick eyebrows soared up and moved like lightning.
He abandoned the guandao and held two swords, one in each hand.
The sword in his right hand was a short sword.

A willingness to cut Grid’s sword trajectory in advance with a single close hit was felt.


It was in a world where sound disappeared again.
Grid felt immensely constrained.
He couldn’t recklessly attempt the sword dance, which was completed with just one stride.
It was because Zeratul approached by stepping on Nefelina’s head and occupied the radius of the sword dance in advance.
It seemed that no matter what he used as the starting point of the sword dance, it would be blocked unconditionally and he would allow a counterattack.

It was fine.
In the first place, he didn’t intend to use the sword dance at this point.


As Zeratul approached, Grid stretched out his hand behind his back that was holding Twilight and slammed it down with all his might.
Zeratul naturally predicted that Twilight would pierce him.
He stabbed the short sword that contained his self-defense in order to neutralize Twilight.
His intention was to block Grid’s attack untouched while stabbing Grid’s heart.

Of course, a god wouldn’t die when pierced in the heart.
Nevertheless, he aimed for the heart in order to repay the humiliation he had suffered earlier.
He dug even deeper into the heart.

However, there were no gaps in Zeratul’s senses.

The sword, which reappeared again after being hidden behind Grid’s back, had been replaced by something other than Twilight.


Zeratul’s waist bent strangely.
He used the one movement that flowed naturally like water to accelerate the short sword even further.
Meanwhile, the long sword held in his left hand blocked Grid’s sword.
There was the sound of something breaking and an explosion occurred one step later.

Zeratul’s right arm was completely cut off along with the colorless divinity.
The fragments of the long sword that scattered in pieces were illuminating Grid’s Falling Moon Sword from various angles.


Zeratul, who had been still in the aftermath of his self-defense breaking, rose sharply.
The short sword that was piercing Grid’s heart soared up and crushed Grid’s collarbone from the inside.
Valhalla and the dragon armor, which overlapped with his mental world, offset some of the damage, but Zeratul’s attack power was too strong.

‘Kuock.’ Zeratul frowned.
It was because he couldn’t easily find a means to stop that mysterious magic sword that had cut off his divinity.
It was a sword with such an ominous foundation that it made one think that the destruction of the giants was indeed inevitable.

Grid stabbed the new sword into Zeratul, who was confused and wary of it.
It was a sword that contained Grid’s divinity, just like Twilight, but it didn’t emit it.
It held the contained divinity that was as condensed as possible and was like a fragment of steel trapped in the sun.
It was as ominous as the Falling Moon Sword because it symbolized ‘something that can’t exist.’

Eventually, Zeratul stepped back.
The sword, which should’ve crushed Grid’s collarbone and pierced his Adam’s apple, was also pulled out.
Then blood gushed like a fountain from Grid’s chest.
It was a massive amount of bleeding that couldn’t be covered even with the orange divinity.

However, people still hadn’t recognized it.
Only the parties involved could follow the battle between the Overgeared God and Martial God in real time.

Grid swung the divine sword ‘Blockade’ in succession.
It was a sword with a monotonous structure that stuck to the basics.
It was a divine sword that amplified the power of basic attacks.
The reason for the name Blockade wasn’t simply due to the simple reason of ‘it blocks the enemy by hitting them.’ The special effects gave it this name.

Zeratul’s ultimate swordsmanship was blocking Grid’s sword without difficulty.

A roaring sound continued to fill the space one step late as the swords collided with each other.
However, Zeratul was feeling an unexpected fatigue.
It was because Grid’s basic attacks with the effect of Dragon Knight and Duke of Amplification behind it were so heavy.

Naturally, Zeratul wasn’t pushed when it came to strength, but he felt a mental threat.
The thing that bothered him even more was the form that his self-defense was currently maintaining.
The fact that his self-defense, which was designed to constrain Grid’s sword dance, was acting as a weakness rather than an advantage was giving him a feeling of loss.
There was a sense of restraining himself while fighting.

Grid was becoming more and more puffed up, so he was worried that witnesses would arbitrarily misunderstand.

‘Wait a minute.’

Eventually, Zeratul’s colorless divinity changed again to a fine degree.
He redesigned the self-defense to fit the current situation.
It had a structure that neutralized the strength of Grid’s new sword and gave him acceleration at the same time.
It was intended to completely change the course of the battle by inflicting a serious wound in an unexpected way.

It caused Grid’s right arm to fall off.
Like Zeratul, he was down to a single arm and couldn’t handle two swords.

Zeratul was about to restore the structure of his self-defense to its original form, but he momentarily became greedy.
He maintained the new form of the self-defense and aimed to cut off Grid’s remaining left arm.
He successfully hit the target.

Grid lost both arms.
It was such a vain result that the fierce battle so far felt overshadowed.

Originally, this was the case in a confrontation between Absolutes.
Things could change in an instant.
It was also in an instant that some of the hundreds of God Hands hovering around Grid replaced both arms that were cut off.

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