>“I will show you the power of a Saintess.”

“…?” What was this? “Gulp.”

Grid couldn’t help swallowing his saliva as he saw the motivation burning in Sehee’s eyes.




Grid’s plan to attack the 7th city was virtually a failure. He beat the city boss, but it took 6 hours more than he planned. Thanks to that, his levelling speed was much slower than expected.
Of course, Braham was to blame.

“If you hadn’t destroyed the building…”


Braham would’ve laughed or become angry at Grid if the situation was normal. He wasn’t bold enough after knowing what Grid had gone through while fleeing from thousands of vampires. No, he was brazen enough to do that, but not to Grid.
He actually liked Grid.

“Sigh, truly a troll.”

Wasn’t it Braham’s fault that he was defeated by Kraugel in the National Competition? The fact that Kraugel could treat his mother’s illness was good, but Grid couldn’t deny that it was Braham’s fault.


Braham questioned Grid.

‘Troll? Why am I a troll?’

Braham didn’t know the meaning of Internet trolling.
Grid laughed as he recalled the troll monsters.

“You are slow.
You fool.”

‘Do it moderately!’

In the end, Braham could no longer tolerate it. If he had a body, he would’ve angrily pulled Grid’s hair. As the two people were arguing, they arrived at the entrance of the 8th city. There were people who welcomed them.
Saintess Sehee (Ruby) and Saintess’ Knight Yerim (Sexy Schoolgirl).

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“Youngwoo oppa!”

This was a high school student? Yerim, who had a more enchanting atmosphere about her, came running towards Grid.


Grid used to see Yerim as just a ‘kid,’ but that now changed.
He could feel that Yerim was a woman. The cause was the size. The detailed description will be omitted.
While Grid was feeling shocked, Braham flinched when he observed Sehee and Yerim.

'What? What is this divine power of these girls?’

‘Be careful how you speak.
One of them is my little sister.’

'…What are these women? They aren’t Rebecca’s Daughters, so why do they have such strong divine power? Furthermore, the shape of this divine power…’

Grid replied to the nervous Braham.

'They are a Saintess and a Saintess’ Knight.’


Braham was beyond shocked.
It was an unexpected reaction for Grid.

‘What is it? Is being a Saintess that surprising?’


The moment Braham wanted to explain.
Sehee barely removed Yerim clinging to Grid and urged them.

“Let’s go hunting.”

“Eh? Ah, yes.”

Grid, Sehee and Yerim formed a party immediately before entering the 8th city.
Grid was surprised when he saw their levels in the party information window.

“Level 180? Why is it so high? Don’t you only play on the weekends?”

“Huh? Isn’t it easy to raise your level? Of course, it would be difficult to raise it to Oppa’s level.”


In the past, Grid only reached level 80 in a year despite spending most of his time playing the game. Ruby and Sexy Schoolgirl didn’t know the game and didn’t spend a lot of time playing, so their levelling speed gave him a huge shock.
Yerim linked her arm with his.

“Let’s go! You have to get on the bus!”

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Bus. In online games, it meant high level players helping low level players raised their level. It felt like the situation was reversed, but Grid thought it was an appropriate term. When Grid, Sehee, and Yerim were in a party, Grid would monopolize most of the experience from the monsters. It was due to the difference in levels.

Of course, Sehee and Yerim also knew this. They purely joined this party to help Grid.




People learned the secret to Grid’s levelling speed thanks to Panda Dagger’s analysis. Grid’s levelling speed would drop little by little.
It was a result of roughly calculating Grid’s reputation and how many experience buff potions he would’ve obtained.

“Grid was gaining two levels per day until yesterday.”

“Starting today, it might be hard to gain one level.”

“Soon his ranking will fall.”

Everyone was sure of it.
However, the result was different from what they expected.

[(Breaking News) Grid gained three levels today!]


Panda Dagger’s reputation as the best hunting expert fell to the floor.
No, it crashed into the underworld. Accusations from all over the world poured towards him and even the Chinese called him an embarrassment.
The experts in other fields saw it and clicked their tongues.

“Yes, you’re analyzing Grid.”

They had learned from experience not to apply common sense to Grid.




“Bah, you were negative towards Grid, and in the end, suffered like this.”

There was one person who was interested in this matter from the beginning and kept watch. He laughed at Panda Dagger. That person was punching bag…
No, it was the former 2nd ranked Zibal.
He was a true hunting expert, unlike the theory-poor Panda Dagger, and accepted Grid’s hunting speed.

‘However, it’s on the premise that two high level priests are hired.’

Was it that easy to hire a senior priest from the Rebecca Church? Enormous achievements and money were required to have the qualifications to hire one.
Not even Zibal had achieved it.

‘But it’s possible for Grid.’

Zibal envied Grid.
But he wasn’t jealous and focused on his own path. He was confident after gaining a new power.
He wouldn’t worry.
He was looking towards the distant future.

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