n, the duel shall be in…
Forging! A contest between Blacksmiths! ” Gu Chao announced.

Forging? Blacksmiths? Wasn ’t there going to be a fight? Why was this Gu Chao suddenly talking about forging? Besides, was the owner of the Mystical Realm Palace even a Blacksmith? If so, why were there no weapons in his shop? These were all the questions traveling through the minds of those in the crowd.

’Forging? ’

It was well known within RML that a player could only take on a single profession.
Since Izroth had already chosen the Apothecary profession, how could he possibly face off against someone in a contest designed for Blacksmiths? Was this fellow misinformed about something?

”I ’m afraid this isn ’t possible.
I ’ve already chosen Apothecary as my profession which means that it ’s impossible for me to become a Blacksmith. ” Izroth stated.

”What?! You ’re not a Blacksmith?! ” Gu Chao said in a shocked tone.

He then continued, ”This…
What do I do now…? ” Gu Chao appeared to be in deep thought about his next move as if he did not plan for this possibility to occur.

The crowd, on the other hand, all had looks of pity while looking at Gu Chao as they shook their heads.
It turned out that this person did have something wrong with their head!

After seeing that Gu Chao was lost in thought, Izroth released a small inward sigh.
He felt that the Returning Scroll he used to rush back to Amaharpe was not worth it at all.
If he knew that it was this kind of person waiting for him, he would have taken his time and journeyed back through normal means.

”Since there ’s nothing else… ” Izroth started to head towards the entrance of the Mystical Realm Palace as he walked past Gu Chao.

”Wait a second! You may not be a Blacksmith, but you still can ’t go back on your word since you ’ve already accepted my challenge! How about this-! ” Gu Chao bit his tongue mid-sentence which caused him to cover his mouth from the pain.
Even though he turned the pain sensitivity down to the absolute minimum setting, it had not changed the feeling at all!

However, Gu Chao spoke through the pain as he continued and said, ”I ’m not unreasonable! How about this? Whoever can take out the most impressive piece of equipment is the winner. ” Although his speech sounded somewhat strange due to trying to talk right after having bit his tongue, it was still clear enough to be understood by those present.
However, the crowd immediately went into an uproar.

”You have a full set of rare equipment, have you no shame?! How shameless can you be?! ”

”Yeah! First, you want to challenge him to a match between Blacksmiths when he ’s an Apothecary, now this? Bastard…
Just hurry up and die so we can have our sale! ”

”This Fatty… ”

Everyone was outraged over Gu Chao ’s behavior.
But, most importantly, everyone was upset that their chances of a grand sale were being ruined by him! Why couldn ’t he just cause trouble like those people from Sage Falls? Why did he have to be this messed up in the head?

”Y-you! You all! How can you call this handsome once in a lifetime genius shameless?! Your mother is shameless! Your whole family is shameless! That- Who was it?! Who dared called me fatty just now?! ” Gu Chao did not let up as he responded to every single insult with one of his own.
Of course, this caused the crowd to completely turn on him and most of them wanted to strangle him to death by this point!

”Enough! You all didn ’t even let me finish! The weapon I choose to take out has to be one created personally by me! Well, what do you say, will you accept or not?! ” Gu Chao roared as he huffed and puffed in anger at the crowd as he turned his attention back towards Izroth.
How could these people all team up on him and call a handsome and peerless once in a lifetime genius like himself, shameless? Even he had some pride!

”Hmph, it turns out that this fatty is not completely shameless after all. ” One of the players in the crowd commented.

Gu Chao chose to ignore that comment as he said to Izroth, ”I want to make a friendly wager.
If I win, I want to become the owner of the Mystical Realm Palace and turn it into a weapons and armor shop.
If you win…
Well, then this handsome young genius will be willing to personally follow you and call you big brother.
Although I ’m suffering some losses from this arrangement, it can ’t be helped. ” Gu Chao sighed as he said those last few words.
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This caused the person who had just commented on his behavior to cough up blood from anger.
What kind of deal was that?! How could he say that he was the one suffering losses?! It was obvious that he was trying to take advantage of the owner of the Mystical Realm Palace from this wager!

Izroth, on the other hand, had a feeling that if he did not take care of this now, then this Gu Chao would not give up so easily.
Of course, this was far from being a fair wager, however, Gu Chao had no idea just what he was getting himself into.

’I suppose I could use someone to run a few errands. ’

Even if Gu Chao was a grade five Blacksmith, he should still be unable to forge an epic quality piece of equipment.
Even if by some miracle he did manage to craft one, it was even more of an impossibility that he could forge equipment with a growth-type nature.
This meant that even if Gu Chao forged a legendary piece of equipment, he would still ultimately lose the contest! After all, they were not going by pure quality, but by which piece was more ”impressive ” overall.

”Alright, I ’ll accept your challenge with the conditions you ’ve chosen. ” Izroth replied.

The crowd was taken aback.
He agreed to such ridiculous terms? Could he be afraid of losing face if he did not accept? However, no one would fault him for not accepting such unfair conditions.
It was too ridiculous!

”Good, very good! Let everyone here be a witness that the owner of the Mystical Realm Palace is truly a man of his word and knows how to keep his promises! ” Gu Chao announced in a slightly gleeful manner.
To be honest, he never expected Izroth to accept his wager so openly.
This was a huge opportunity!

”Then, I ’ll go first. ” Gu Chao said as he removed an item from his inventory.
It was a soft-plated chest piece with a faint aura around it and made one think of the endless seas when they glanced upon it.
He held it up proudly for everyone to see and examine it.

When he removed the item from his inventory, the crowd was left speechless.
Did he really forge this item by himself?

”This aura…
It ’s a rare item! There ’s a Blacksmith who can forge rare items! ” One of the players exclaimed.

Once news of this got out, even the top guilds would fight to bring this Gu Chao over to their side!

’Oh? This may be somewhat worth my time after all. ’

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