Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son

Chapter 83: Spreading My Wings

Aldred and the others continued their climb. A lot of people had been passing them because they had far better equipment.

”Haha. Look at those peasants! Did they expect to climb Mount Fargon with a pair of rods?! ”

”What a fool! They won ’t reach the middle part with that. ”

They then climbed up with their magical instruments. Aldred thought everyone was already high enough, but he was wrong. At about 12 KM (7,4 Mile) Everyone started attacking each other.

”What is going on? ” Aldred looked at them throwing spells and weapons. Some screamed as their equipment got knocked off the wall.

”You dare insult my magical device! You ’re courting death! ”

”Humph! What an arrogant bastard! I simply said mine is better than you. ”

They both leaped at each other and clashed swords against gauntlets. The force blasted a powerful shock wave that made a bunch of people fall.

”Fucking bastard! Stop fighting! None of us want to die for your ego! ”

”Yeah! Stop fighting! ”

Everyone started screaming and shouting at them.

”Fuck you! What do you all know? ”

”Hey, let ’s kill him so he won ’t bother us anymore. ”

”Yeah! ” They then started rushing towards the both of them, their feet moved on the wall. The magicians threw out a water elemental spell that turned into a rope and wrapped around his leg.

”We got him! ”

The crowd attacked, and kicked him off the wall. His scream reverberated until it was nonexistent. They did the same thing with the other man. When Aldred looked closer, they were actually one of the people who mocked him earlier.

’Wow, karma do their job really fast. ’

After this incident, nobody tried to start a fight, and they kept silent as they climbed.

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