Translator: tarararawr

Editor: Larkspur

Chapter 17 Part 1

The room was so quiet that the drop of a pin could be heard.
The young man’s forehead was pressed against the floor and he could hear the sound of breathing around him.

“Qingzhi! What trouble are you making?!” After Madam Li took a breath, she stood up with a deathly pale complexion and reached out to pull him up.

The young man had a stubborn personality and let her pull him without moving.
He was like an old tree that had taken root, his knees were like stone bricks stuck together that they were not any different from flesh and blood.

Master Li was not as flustered as his wife.
He fixed his gaze on the back of his head for a moment and asked in a deep voice, “Have you thought this through?”

“I have!” Li Qingzhi, without a moment’s consideration, forcefully replied.

That day he was kneeling in front of his crying mother.
She said that Xiao Youning wanted to hurt the Li Family, and that he could not become a sinner of the Li Family.

At that time he stopped bluffing because he was really weak and afraid.

He was the youngest son of the family.
His eldest brother was famous for his achievement in the imperial exam and was already serving as a senior official in the Imperial Hanlin Academy.
He was always told to try to get closer to his father and elder brother, and only his mother favored him.
He was held in the palm of her hands even if his qualifications were mediocre.
As soon as his mother begged him, the first thing that came to mind was that he could not be blamed.

He was calm these last few days and had suddenly realized how shameless and selfish he was.
He felt guilty over how his feelings for Xiao Youning became more profound since he was a child.

It should not be too late to repent, and now was the time for him to make amends.

Li Qingzhi’s voice produced a firm sound.
Madam Li could not pull him up and was so angry that she directly hit him.

Each fist that landed on him harbored resentment; resentment over Xiao Youning’s foxy charm; and the bewitched son that hurt the palm that held him.
Tears rolled down her face as harsh words continued to rain from her lips.

Li Qingzhi just knelt like that and let his mother vent her feelings.
Old Madam Ye sat cross-legged on the red sandalwood arhat bed1 quietly watching the farce.

Master Li was disgusted with his wife’s vixen-like behavior, but he did have the impudence to reveal his feelings in front of his mother-in-law.
He could only tolerate it and secretly raised his eyes to size up the situation like an elder.

The sun could not shine into the deepest part of the room, and the old woman’s expression was obscured by the shadows making it difficult to discern.
Master Li did not know what to do for a while.

This mother-in-law had always been in Qingfeng Daoist Temple, and appeared to pay no attention to the affairs of the world.
She might not be clear about what was happening in the capital, the court, and the family, but she was a very wise and dignified woman, and only this kind of talented person could teach Fifth Master Ye.

Therefore, he never tried to be presumptuous in front of his mother-in-law.

Madam Li’s cries echoed in the room for who knows how long.
But before the scolding stopped, Old Madam Ye indifferently raised her lips and said, “That’s enough.”

The tone of the voice was not strong but had the power to make people quiet in a split second.

Madam Li’s hand that was hitting her son stopped.
Her face covered with tears and resentment.
She threw herself at her mother’s feet and protested.
“Mother, this unfilial son wants to fight against your daughter.
There is no reason to welcome that foxy charmer back at this time.”

“Is there no reason to welcome her back, or will welcoming her back will leave you as the mother in charge of the household with no respect?” The old woman pulled on the sleeve held by her daughter and looked down at her with a stern look in her eyes.
“How did I teach you to have such a selfish and spiteful temper? You deserve to personally carry the sedan chair and welcome her home for the trouble you have caused!”

Madam Li’s eyes widened and she could not believe her mother would help an outsider by saying these kinds of words that made her ashamed.

When Master Li heard this, his temples were pounding.
He thought to himself that his mother-in-law was trying to support his son.

Li Qingzhi, who was motionless, looked up with surprise and excitedly said, “Grandmother also supports this grandson!”

“I can’t afford to lose my old face’s dignity!”

Li Qingzhi stood there shocked and didn’t expect to have a basin of cold water thrown at him by the old woman.

Old Madam Ye said, “Do you mother and son think that everyone in the world should revolve around you? Do you think everyone is at your beck and call? Get out of here! Don’t take one step into Qingfeng Daoist Temple without my permission!”

The old woman flicked her sleeves.
The pozi who had been silent behind her, took a step and gestured to the trio of the Li Family to leave.

Master Li was anxious.
He did not quite understand his mother-in-law and did not know what to do.
When he saw that he was being requested to leave, he could no longer hold up his thick skin anymore.
He stood up, bowed, and quickly walked out.

Madam Li still wanted to say something, the pozi saw how she and Li Qingzhi did not move.
Thus, she immediately called for people outside to come and drag them away.
Then, she closed the door.

“Old Madam, this is the help not helping the relatives2.” After the pozi closed the door, she turned around.
She held the Old Madam’s hands after handling the mess with a smile.

“My old face’s respect has been lost to them.
What reason? What relatives? They made a chaotic disturbance…” Old Madam Ye slowly closed her eyes and exhaled a heavy breath.
After a moment of silence to think about her next command, she said, “Don’t tell Eldest Fifth what happened just now.
Don’t add more to his troubles and avoid alienating him even more from the Ye Family.
It all came from me.
No matter how much they are like bastards, they are still his brothers and sisters.
He may have to rely on these brothers and sisters in the future.”

“You just worry too much.
Fifth Master is a proper man.
The Emperor gave him that kind of power and only his brothers and sisters want to touch his light.”

” ”

Old Madam Ye slowly opened her eyes when she heard those words.
Her bright eyes became empty and she stared at the ground while lost in thought without anyone knowing what she was thinking about.



Picture帮理不帮亲 (Bāng lǐ bù bāng qīn) – saying that means if something is unreasonable, even the relatives will not be able to help even if they were kissed up to.

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