Translator: tarararawr

Editor: Larkspur

Chapter 18 Part 2

Seeing the smile on the face, Huo Mingwu became indescribably relaxed.
He grinned with his white teeth showing.

They were quite familiar with each other, so Huo Mingwu understood what she came here to do.
They hadn’t exchanged pleasantries yet, so he sat down and asked her how she was doing first.
He had inquired before and heard that she had left the capital when he was on duty at the palace yesterday.
He had no idea that she had returned.

After Xiao Youning gave a brief account of her journey, Huo Mingwu wanted to pound the table and scold the Li Family and the Xiao Family’s Second Branch.
However, a voice in his mind told him that he did not have such a position to do so and forcefully held back his anger that she had been bullied.

“The Emperor seems to be in a good mood these days.
Datong has reported a victory and the Government Cabinet and some Imperial Censors are holding back their efforts to have the Emperor convict him.
Apart from this, I have no other information to tell you, since I am not always around the Imperial Court…”

Huo Mingwu’s anger gradually abated and he told her what he knew with a little remorse.

Xiao Youning had already prepared herself earlier for his words.
Even if she could not help being a little frustrated, she was still grateful.
She said, “Thank you, Brother Huo, for remembering my father and brother.
I know Brother Huo’s difficulties and Youning1 is very grateful.
As a matter of fact, I came here today to find any information about my father and brother, but I can’t cause Brother Huo to be suspected by the Emperor.
I just want to ask if there is any other way to contact someone from the Imperial Court.”

It would not be a good thing to have a military official deeply involved with her.
She might damage Huo Mingwu’s career, and implicate him because of the Xiao Family.

She did not need Huo Mingwu to get involved as long as she knew who the members of the Imperial Court were and then think of a way to get in contact with them immediately.

She just needed a list of names.

Huo Mingwu understood what she meant and said anxiously, “Younger Sister Xiao, Huo Family is supported by the Crown Prince.

“Brother Huo, listen to me,” Xiao Youning saw he was anxious, so she gestured at once and explained, “I have no one to rely on now.
You are the only one who has sent me charcoal when it snowed2.
If you are implicated for trying to find more information about my father and brother, then I really have no one to turn to for help.”

The little girl’s words were sincere.
Huo Mingwu clenched his teeth and after a while, he forced himself to nod and agreed not to interfere anymore.
Soon after, he drew up a list of people who served the Imperial Court as well as the officials who frequented it.

“Actually, these officials may not be able to talk to you, so you might as well seek help from the eunuchs and palace maids.
You should write down these surnames.
From today on, I’ll help you pay attention to who is leaving the palace for business.
I’ll let you know, and then maybe you can give it a try.”

The palace servants were closer than the officials.
Xiao Youning thanked him.
She folded the list, put it away, and then bid him goodbye.

Huo Mingwu tried to make her stay.
“Younger sister Xiao, stay here for lunch…” Once he said this, he felt like it was not appropriate.
A male and a female alone should not have a meal together.
Fortunately, he was quick on his feet, and hurried to remedy his words.
“My mother has not seen you for a long time and wants to see you.”

But as soon as these words came out, it seemed to be even more inappropriate.

Xiao Youning blinked and sensed something.
The person in front of her suddenly exposed his true thoughts and she did not know how to answer.

When a man said his mother wanted to see her, then it could have a certain meaning.

Huo Mingwu felt so stupid that he wanted to bite his tongue.

Fortunately, Xiao Youning was still calm.
After being shocked for a moment, she smiled and said, “I came here with empty hands today, and I made an appointment with someone that I need to rush to.
I haven’t had a chance to meet the Old Madam before.
It’s rude to see her like this.
I’ll come back to make a formal visit to the elder next time when I have prepared a gift.”

The words “formal visit to the elder” could not be more polite and did not make him more embarrassed.
Huo Mingwu was fully aware that he had been impulsive.
He could feel his ears warm up as he nodded repeatedly.
Because of his mistake, his body, and even his smile, was stiff when he sent her out.

“Young Miss, what did Commander Huo mean just now?!”

Yuan Guo’s eyes widened in surprise and delight as soon as they boarded the carriage.

Xiao Youning still had a calm look, but she was still a young girl after all.
She was a little embarrassed when she was asked this question.
She reached out and hit her on the arm.
She said, “Don’t be so noisy!”

No matter what Huo Mingwu meant, she couldn’t respond to this hurdle.
The situation was unclear and she could not let him get involved.

Xiao Youning had a bit of regret for coming to the Huo Family when she thought of this.
If she had known earlier… Then she definitely would not have come.
It was embarrassing when she looked back on what had just happened.

However, she already owed Huo Mingwu.
The more she thought of this, the piece of paper in her sleeve suddenly felt heavy.
It made her feel pressured and she now had a headache.



She’s referring to herself in third person to humble herself.雪中送炭 (xuě​zhōng​sòng​tàn) – idiom for helping someone in their time of need.

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