Translator: tarararawr

Editor: Larkspur

Chapter 28 Part 3

This house had always had servants taking care of it and they cleaned it every day.
In fact, it was not dirty anywhere, it just did not have any of his personal belongings.
He never stayed here.

Just now she hated the loneliness here, but that’s the way it was.

Xiao Youning came back after washing the teacup and poured some water for Ye Shen.
She smiled and held the cup to him with both hands.
“I just tried the well water, it is very clean and crisp.
Daoist Priest should not dislike it.”

The little girl really looked like a host’s wife.
Ye Shen did not refuse her kindness.
He put up with his finicky faults and sipped a few mouthfuls of the cool well water.

It was the first time he was drinking this kind of cold water.
The taste… is okay.

Fifth Master Ye, who was used to being picky, lowered his head and sipped again.
He looked up and saw that the little girl’s sleeves were all wet.
It must have happened when she was at the well just now.

He wanted to warn her, but when his eyes moved further up, he saw that her lapels were also wet.
The fabric was darker than elsewhere and outlined her curves.

He was dumbfounded for a moment.
He hurried to look away and decided to shut up.

If he warned her, she would definitely realize that she was wet from the well water when she looked down and that her exquisite curves were showing, and had been seen by him.
When that time came, it would be more than just embarrassment.

“It’s a little shady in the room.
It’s better to sit outside in the sun.”

As soon as Ye Shen put the teacup down, he easily picked up the two chairs and went outside.

Xiao Youning stood up and looked out at the courtyard.

The sun is already at the highest point in the skies.
It is indeed sunny, but the house does not feel cold and it is currently summer.

Can it be that the Daoist Priest is not feeling well?

While at a loss, Xiao Youning followed him.
When Jian Yin came back, he saw them sitting in the courtyard basking in the sun.
When Yuan Guo came back, she also glimpsed the same scene.
Jian Yin stood behind her in confusion with sweat all over his forehead.

As for her Young Miss, her face was red.
She didn’t know if it was from the sun, or… Yuan Guo secretly looked at Ye Shen who was like a jade tree in the wind1.
She couldn’t help but fill her head with the idea just now.

Xiao Youning saw that Yuan Guo had come back.

She happily suggested that she should act as the host and invite Ye Shen to eat a feast, and formally thank him for rescuing her in the past.

Ye Shen did not want to go but was defeated by her hopeful eyes.
He gently touched her forehead and became aware that he was becoming more and more unable to refuse this little girl.

When they left the courtyard, they both secretly breathed out a sigh.

Xiao Youning thought that if Yuan Guo didn’t come back, she probably would have melted into a puddle.

” ”

Ye Shen was thinking that spontaneously basking in the sun for one shichen was the stupidest thing he had ever done in his life.

When they left, Xiao Youning still sat in Ye Shen’s carriage.
She had discreetly hid the deed that Yuan Guo brought into her sleeve and was beginning to rack her brains to think of a way to make Ye Shen accept the deed to the place in the northern suburbs.

But soon she didn’t bother to think about it in that way, because the deed had been written in the name of the Daoist Priest.
It belonged to him even if he didn’t accept it, so she mulled over when she was going to give it to him.

Should I want to give it to him now or later? 

He should finish his meal and when he was about to get on the carriage, she would slip it to him and run off.
It would make it so that he wouldn’t have a chance to give it back.

As Xiao Youning continued thinking, she imagined Ye Shen’s shocked expression and couldn’t help but giggle.

This sound drew Ye Shen’s attention and he looked at her strangely.

The girl was engrossed in her own imagination, covering her mouth like a kitten secretly eating fish.
Her shoulders shook from giggling.

Ye Shen looked away quietly.

What is the little girl thinking of right now? She’s giggling and I really can’t figure it out.

He was going to close his eyes and rest.
He hadn’t slept a wink last night.
What the Emperor wanted was not there at all, and he didn’t know if the Emperor was going to lose his temper when he returned to the palace.

Although he wouldn’t be angry with him, he still needed the energy to deal with it.

Just as he closed his eyes, the carriage jolted.

The sound of the horses neighing came in from outside.
Ye Shen’s body swayed and his first thought was that something bad was about to happen.
Xiao Youning was tossed and crashed into him hard.

Ye Shen became even unsteadier after being hit, and without thinking, he embraced her first and then they fell to one side so that he could focus on this unfortunate situation.

With a bang, Ye Shen firmly slammed into the carriage’s wall.
It left him breathless, inflicting a dull pain in his shoulder.

Fortunately, the carriage jolted only once, and Jian Yin secured the reins.
The suddenly frightened horses were under control.

But this also made him break into a cold sweat.
He turned around and shouted, “Are you all right, Fifth Master?!”

Xiao Youning was caught off guard by this.
She was in so much shock that she couldn’t even scream.
She snapped out of it when she heard Jian Yin and found herself pressed against Ye Shen.

She was flustered and wanted to get up when the carriage jolted again and suddenly accelerated.

With a low cry, her body plunged forward.
An arrow flew in through the window and struck the carriage.

Ye Shen pulled her in again at a critical moment so that she would not get hit by the flying arrow.

Jian Yin’s cursing made its way inside the carriage.
There was chaos and screams in the street.
Xiao Youning’s heart was about to leap out of her chest.

What happened?!


玉树临风 (yùshù línfēng) – way to describe a man as handsome

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