ndy still in his mouth and immediately woke up.

He immediately turned his head, his heart pounding, gave Kou Li a stern look, and scolded, “What’s wrong with you?”

Kou Li lowered his head and looked at the wetness on the tip of his finger.
He slowly blinked and then his gaze fell on the lips of Bian Yi, which he had just ravaged, which now turned bright red.

After staring at them for a while, he turned his body to the side.
Something was off.

Bian Yi watched the back of his head and his whole face sank.
He couldn’t be sure if Kou Li was having a fit or not, but what he could be certain of was that Kou Li was sick.

Bian Yi sat up straight.
He didn’t know if it was because he had become aware of Kou Li’s illness today or because of the discomfort of being held down by Ko Li just now, but he felt like he had been stabbed in the heart, extremely uncomfortable.

During the last half hour of the flight, the two of them maintained silence, like the thirty seconds before boarding.

But this time, Bian Yi’s emotions were not calm during the silence.

The plane landed and Bian Yi followed Kou Li to the hotel in silence.
As soon as he stepped out of the plane, he seemed to wake up from the cold north wind.

Bian Yi saw that after Kou Li arrived at the hotel, he took a pill, and after taking it, he took off his glasses and massaged his eyes.

Feeling that Bian Yi had been staring at him since they got off the plane, Ko Li raised his head, looked at Bian Yi with some confusion and amusement, and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Kou Li took off his glasses, but his gaze was not accurately focused.
Bian Yi couldn’t feel him looking into his eyes, which made him feel uncomfortable.

“It’s nothing.”

Bian Yi pursed his lips and avoided Kou Li’s gaze by dragging his luggage and squatting down to tidy his clothes.

Kou Li didn’t say anything more, nor did he look at Bian Yi again.

He rested by the window for a while, then had his secretary contact the team that had been previously arranged.

After completing these tasks, he looked at Bian Yi still organizing his clothes, and said, “Rest today, we’ll go to the snowy mountains tomorrow.”

Bian Yi agreed, but since he was squatting with his back to Kou Li, his voice sounded a bit muffled.

Kou Li seemed unaware and called Jian Yi to ask about Xiao Shu’s condition.

Bian Yi turned the entire luggage over, making it even messier.
But he didn’t seem to notice, as he continued to rummage through his things.

Kou Li finally noticed and stood up, walking over to Bian Yi’s side.
Bian Yi had turned the luggage over again, making it even more disorganized.

Kou Li observed Bian Yi’s face, and it seemed like he was lost in thought.

Kou Li repressed his emotions and squatted down, gently holding Bian Yi’s hands to stop his actions.

Bian Yi came back to reality and was a bit annoyed, trying to break free from Kou Li’s grip.
“What are you doing?”

Kou Li smiled and didn’t answer Bian Yi’s question.
Instead, he asked, “Are you hungry? Want to eat something?”

“Anything’s fine.” Bian Yi prepared to stand up, but then he looked at his messy luggage and paused.
He then realized why Kou Li didn’t answer him earlier.

Bian Yi sneered and said to Kou Li, “Don’t worry, I’m not crazy.
You don’t have to be so cautious.”

After saying that, he looked up at Kou Li and wanted to ask him: But how about you? It seems like you’re even crazier than I am.

Bian Yi didn’t ask in the end.

Kou Li just smiled gently at him and then put the luggage aside, ordering something for Bian Yi.

Bian Yi thought that after Kou Li took his medicine, his behavior had been normal and everything was fine.

However, in the afternoon during their break, he was woken up again by Kou Li.

Kou Li had one hand stroking his face and the other choking his neck.
The hand on his neck was tightening, not like the feeling when Bian Yi first came back.

What was even more frightening was the deep love on Kou Li’s face.

The feeling of suffocation was uncomfortable.
Bian Yi kicked him, and hit him, trying his best to break Kou Li’s grip, but Kou Li only tightened his grip more.

He shouted, “Give him back to me, give him back to me…”

Kou Li didn’t get a response, and suddenly his expression became fierce as he roared, “Give him back to me!”

As Bian Yi struggled, he heard Kou Li’s voice.
For some reason, tears suddenly streamed down Bian Yi’s face, and once they started, they couldn’t stop.

The feeling of suffocation became even stronger.

Bian Yi opened his mouth but couldn’t inhale any air.
His throat was blocked by something unknown, and he wanted to cry out loudly.

Suddenly, Kou Li let go of him and anxiously wiped away the tears on Bian Yi’s face.

“You can’t die, you can’t die.
This is Ah-Yi’s body.
If you die, what will happen when he comes back?”

Bian Yi laid weakly on the bed, closing his eyes, unable to bear seeing Kou Li’s current appearance.

He felt very uncomfortable, even more so than when Kou Li had just choked him.

He could no longer deceive himself.
He had to admit that, despite his hatred for Kou Li, he still loved him.

Kou Li’s mouth was still muttering, many fragments that couldn’t quite form a complete sentence.

Bian Yi opened his eyes, sat up, wiped away his tears, and stared fiercely at Kou Li.

Kou Li saw his gaze, froze for a moment, and then held his head in both hands.

Without giving him time to react, Bian Yi pounced on Kou Li, biting his neck fiercely.

He used a lot of force, and with that bite, he soon tasted blood.

The pain woke Kou Li up, and he felt the wetness on his hand.
He saw the tear marks on Bian Yi’s face, and Bian Yi was still biting him.

But Kou Li didn’t push him away.
Instead, he tightened his arms and hugged him.

Bian Yi heard Kou Li let out a sigh from his throat.

A satisfied sigh.

He released his teeth and stopped in Kou Li’s arms.

Similarly, Kou Li didn’t give him a chance to react.
He lowered his head and kissed Bian Yi’s lips, which still had his own blood.

He pressed Bian Yi onto the bed.

The kiss gradually became rough.

Kou Li tore off Bian Yi’s clothes.

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