d virtuous woman who wouldn’t let him sleep with her, and he had endured it.

Who knew by making such an appointment with him, Guan Xi’s fake act had already been seen through.

He mocked Guan Xi: “Darling, your acting skills are too poor.
Evil is evil.
You put me in the position of a sinner with your pitiful appearance, and I’m really sad.”

Zhuo Feng exposed Guan Xi’s true nature, which made Guan Xi both fearful and angry, so he immediately cut off all contact with Zhuo Feng and stopped communicating with him.

A promiscuous playboy with money and looks.
It was already known that he was unfaithful, but yet he still had people lining up to be with him.
Why is that?

Because people are vain.

What others can’t get, I can get, and I am more charming than them.

Guan Xi was even more like this.

Even after failing, he still couldn’t forget Zhuo Feng, so the first target of his second round of conquest was Zhuo Feng – even though he had no memory of their previous encounter.

After succeeding in the conquest, Guan Xi’s vanity was satisfied, especially when he saw Zhuo Feng’s 90% favorability rating, and he became even more conceited.

He started to keep a distance from Zhuo Feng and began to look for the next target.

Guan Xi trembled as he pulled the blanket off his body, his tears blurring his vision.

He heard Zhuo Feng telling Xu Rui that his taste was good and that he would invite his friends to taste it.


This word, these two syllables, had been repeating in Guan Xi’s mind recently.

When Guan Xi first arrived in this world, he was most satisfied and fond of this perfect body.

He used his handsome appearance to gain self-satisfaction from those men, played with their emotions, squeezed points from them, and then threw them away when he was tired of them.

Now, because he has the same face as Bian Yi, he is imprisoned by the men he once played with, becoming their plaything and tool for release.

It’s all retribution.

Guan Xi lay on a dirty and filthy bed, laughing bitterly.

Laughing at his own greed despite not having the ability, laughing at his own hypocrisy and foolishness, laughing at himself for being the vicious supporting character in the story of Bian Yi and Kou Li, but thinking he was the protagonist.

Yes, he was so vicious, but pretended to be kind.

How disgusting.

No wonder Kou Li and Jian Yi, those two clever perverts, deliberately let him go.

They must have known that he would encounter real hell after he escaped.

Guan Xi has figured it out these days.

He deserves it.

It’s estimated that people like him can only reflect on themselves in hell.

Looking back at Bian Yi’s punishment and revenge on him now, it feels like heaven.

Being imprisoned for sixteen years is still better than now.

Guan Xi really admires Bian Yi.
He is really strong.
He can survive and still have sanity in those sixteen years.

Unlike him, who has almost gone insane in just half a month.

You see, that’s why Kou Li loves him.
He can’t compare with Bian Yi at all.

No one in the room paid attention to Guan Xi.

Guan Xi no longer had any expectations in his heart.
He pulled the blanket over himself, and at this moment, he heard the laughter of a man.

He didn’t know if it was Xu Rui or Zhuo Feng, or both of them laughing, as if mocking him for still knowing how to cover himself and feel ashamed.

Guan Xi also smiled, he was also laughing at them.

What does it matter if the favourability reaches 100? This favourability is just based on their own desires.

Speaking of love, but unable to distinguish the real and the fake one.
And even if he has figured it out now, he (Xu Rui) is still doing such disgusting things behind his back (Bian Yi’s).

This disgusting feeling is not worthy of being called love.

Kou Li loves Bian Yi.

That man.

Let Guan Xi envy and be jealous of Kou Li’s true feelings.

Now that he understands, he can comprehend many things when he thinks back to the past.

For example, after the amusement park, Kou Li still couldn’t confirm whether his body really belonged to Bian Yi.
But he indulged him and let him find other men.

There was even a time when Kou Li saw him intimate with someone else.

At that time, Kou Li’s eyes were very complicated.

At that time, Guan Xi was only concerned about fear and did not investigate further.

Now he understands.

The deepest feeling in Kou Li’s eyes is undoubtedly hatred, followed by disgust and indifference, and finally pleading.

Guan Xi believed that Kou Li was begging Bian Yi to come back.

After punishing him enough, he wanted Bian Yi to come back.

Kou Li seemed to think that part of the reason for Bian Yi’s departure was because of himself.

Guan Xi didn’t know what conflict existed between the two.
But Kou Li gave him that impression.

He indulged Guan Xi to be with other men, and he knew and even saw it.
This is undoubtedly a huge blow to a lover, but Kou Li endured it.
He hoped that after accepting this punishment, the departed Bian Yi could forgive him and come back to him.

Unfortunately, reality is not like that.

In the previous life, Jian Yi also appeared, but he didn’t behave as twisted as in this life.
He met Guan Xi and interpreted some information from him.

Later on, Kou Li never appeared in front of Guan Xi again.

Guan Xi also didn’t know what Kou Li was doing, until he was caught by Kou Li and taken to the island, he never saw him again.

As for why Kou Li died, Guan Xi didn’t know either.

He was very tired and sleepy, thinking too hard about a question without an answer was too exhausting.

He was still afraid of death, and after waking up, he would have to face a new hell.
So he went to sleep.
Only in his dreams could he still see the light.


Night has fallen.

Near the snow-capped mountain, the starry sky is extremely beautiful after nightfall.

Bian Yi licked his lips and lay on the bed, looking at the stars outside the window without the energy to move.

A cup of water was handed to him by Kou Li, blocking Bian Yi’s view of the stars.

Bian Yi began to frown again in dissatisfaction, but he was too weak.
He didn’t have the energy to talk or push Kou Li’s hand away.

So he had to accept Kou Li’s half-helping him up and feeding him water.
After drinking the water and lying back down, Bian Yi’s frown deepened.

It really fucking hurts.

His whole body was in pain.

But the pain was so real that it made people feel at ease.

Compared to Bian Yi, Kou Li was not much better off.

When Bian Yi kicked or bit him, he didn’t use much strength.

But those injuries and pains only made Kou Li feel pleasure.

There was no moment like just now that made Kou Li feel Bian Yi’s true existence.

His mood was good and relaxed.

The two of them slept quietly on the same bed, without looking at each other or communicating.

One looked at the chandelier, and the other looked at the stars outside the window.

They were both very bright.

(1) Idiom used to describe someone in deep distress

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