d make arrangements? Fortunately, we ran into each other, or else that small-minded fellow would’ve made you lose face,” said Xiang Beiyang resentfully.

He was not being so polite simply because of Furball.
Xiang Beiyang had been in business for so long that his shrewd acumen had penetrated into his bones.
He truly could not understand this Xia Fei who kept a Holy Beast as a pet, so he was constantly on his guard for fear that the latter would turn out to be a major clan’s young master.
A single misstep could lead to him instantly losing his life.
At which point, he would not even have a place to cry.

Xiang Beiyang’s butler used the moment to say promptly, “Master originally didn’t plan to enter the weapon Exhibit, but when he saw you being stopped by the guard at the door, he hastily rushed over.”

Indeed, this man was Xiang Beiyang’s close attendant.
Upon seeing how his master acted, he immediately somewhat understood what was going on and pointed out how much Xiang Beiyang cared for Xia Fei.

Xiang Beiyang smiled, very happy with what his butler had done.
He considered giving the old man a reward once they got back, as there were few talents around in this day and age who understood him so well.

“Thanks,” replied Xia Fei casually.

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The butler became a little angry.
They were already showing him much consideration, so how could Xia Fei be so ungrateful? Was a simple ‘thanks’ really it?!

Xiang Beiyang hastily pulled back his butler and said, “There’s no need to thank me.
It was a simple matter.
Little Brother is my savior, so it’s my duty, my duty!”

The butler was somewhat dumbfounded.
What was wrong with his master today? This stranger was being so indifferent to him, yet he was so anxious to curry favor with him.
Was his master not just making things difficult for himself?

He had no idea that if Xia Fei had been overly grateful about such a small gesture, Xiang Beiyang would not have cared about him.
It was precisely Xia Fei’s cold attitude that confirmed his suspicions.

Xia Fei was very confident! Since he did not care much about Xiang Beiyang, he had to have a powerful backer!

Calming himself down, Boss Xiang told the butler, “Go up and wait for me.
I’d like to personally take Brother Xia around the weapon Exhibit.”

The old butler was stunned, his mouth dropping.
He had helped Xia Fei get in, and now he was even going to keep him company? What status did this man have?!

Boss Xiang’s plan was actually pretty simple.
As he had decided that Xia Fei was from a background that could not afford to provoke, he had decided to use everything in his power to leave a deep impression on Xia Fei.
Even if he could not win Xia Fei’s favor, at least he would not leave a bad impression.

It had to be understood that the Alpha Universe was awash with experts! Any random Soul Hunter could kill Xiang Beiyang, crushing him like an ant.
As someone who had worked his way up from the bottom, Xiang Beiyang was keenly aware of their ruthless and domineering methods.
He had been able to last this long precisely because he had always sought to offend no one.

Xiang Beiyang really did as he said.
After sending away the butler, he kept Xia Fei company for more than half an hour.
As someone who did not get much exercise, he was covered in sweat, but he did not complain in the slightest.

Other visitors who recognized Boss Xiang were all puzzled.
Someone as young as Xia Fei was having a famous businessman of Red Dwarf Star run around like his lackey? All of them raised their opinion of Xia Fei.

However, Xia Fei’s seeming lack of interest in today’s weapon exhibition left Xiang Beiyang even more uneasy.

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Tai Ning was one of Red Dwarf Star’s finest companies, and their weapon Exhibits were topnotch among the locals.
However, Xia Fei had barely looked at the weapons on display.
Even weapons that Boss Xiang found superb got only a passing glance from Xia Fei.
This could only mean that the other possessed rich experience!

In actuality, Xia Fei really did not consider this so-called weapon exhibition a big deal.
This was because he was already using soul weapons for his equipment!

A craftsman needed good tools to do a good job, and Xia Fei had always clung on to this principle.
While he had come out of the backward Law Realm, Xia Fei possessed the inheritance of the Aurora Clan! Even in the Alpha Universe, this was top of the class!

Nirvana was a soul weapon, Jade Green was a soul weapon, and White Dragon’s Screech was a topnotch soul weapon! Even the unremarkable October Flying Snow had been turned into a soul weapon by Xia Fei!

Only those who used soul weapons could understand how much more terrifying they were than regular weapons! It would be far stranger if any of these weapons managed to earn his attention.

“Not even a single soul weapon from all these.
Let’s not waste any time here.” As a Soul Hunter, Radix was about to fall asleep.

Xia Fei shrugged, but just as he was about to leave, a sign on a glass display counter drew his attention.

“Consignment? Weapons can be consigned for sale here?” asked Xia Fei.

Xiang Beiyang replied cautiously, “Of course.
I don’t know about others, but if Brother Xia Fei needs it, I can immediately open a sales counter for you where you can sell anything you want without a problem.”

Xiang Beiyang slapped his chest while mentally saying to himself, ‘This is great.
Since Xia Fei wants to sell weapons, I’ll be able to tell if this kid is the real deal from the level of the weapon he takes out.”

Xia Fei nominee, and Xiang Beiyang hastily ran off to find a manager.
One of the glass display counters, located in a pretty good location, had been cleared out, and the key was then handed to Xia Fei.
Beiyang stared at Xia Fei in anticipation of what he would pull out.

Xia Fei leisurely took out a snowy-white dagger and placed it inside.
Xiang Beiyang instantly grimaced, as he thought to himself, ;It’s such a big display counter, but all you’re putting in is this one lousy dagger? What’s going on here?’

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