ure something out that benefits both of us.
You just have to tell me your budget and I will see what I can do about it. ”

”I slaved myself for a couple of years, to collect 60 million SC to buy a bloodline worthy enough to integrate with.
Now that I found it, my budget failed me. ” Felix lowered his head with slumped shoulders and said, ”So tell me what can you do to fix this? And just know 60 million is everything I have.
I can ’t add a single coin. ”

Looby ’s heart instantly sank, as he knew that this deal was a lost cause no matter what he said or did.
It was impossible for him to reduce 40 million in one go.

Even, if he removed the extra 20 million that was meant to rip Felix off and leave only the original 80 million, it wouldn ’t be much to buy his bloodline.

”Well, you are right.
The gap is too large to close down; I can ’t do much about it. ” He pointed his finger at the bloodlines on the table and said with temptation, ”But there are still other bloodlines you can buy with 60 million.
Just pick another one, and I will give you a great deal. ”

”But I don ’t want another one.
I felt a connection to only mother centipede and nothing else moved me. ”

Felix mercilessly hurled Looby towards the desk, like he was getting rid of his slipper, and continued walking forward.
”Just forget it, it ’s better if I went to Sililin Shop.
I might find my fateful bloodline there. ”

’Crash! ’

Looby ’s head collided with the corner of the desk harshly.
Yet, he felt nothing but rage and humiliation after hearing Felix mention that Sililin had better stock than him.

”Close the store!! This little bastard is not leaving until he buys a bloodline. ” He roared with blue blood running down his temple.

Befuddled and amused, Felix watched three little dear elves blocking his way with two hooves extended forward, while the rest were closing down the gate.

”What ’s the meaning of this Looby? Are you trying to force me to buy from your stock or what? ” He crossed his arms with displeased expression and added, ”If streets got word of this, your reputation will be tarnished, and we all know business is doomed without it. ” He turned around and smiled warmly towards the little elves.
”So let me leave in peace and I will act as nothing happened. ”

”I don ’t care; I won ’t let you leave until you see the prices of those bloodlines. ” Stubborn, Looby stood up and dusted himself, unbothered about his bloody face.
He merely gave Felix a defiant look.
”Trust me you will definitely be pleased by how cheap they are. ”

Felix eyed the bloodlines on the table, then Looby ’s stubborn expression.
He sighed and approached him again.
”Alright, if your prices are cheap enough not to put a dent on my budget, I will consider getting a bloodline here. ” He tapped his finger on the table and rushed him.
”Hurry up and show me. ”

Without delaying for even a second, Looby brought a rare rank bottle to his face and said, ”This one cost merely 35 million SC.
Quite cheap considering that I usually sell it for 40 million. ”

”Pass. ”

”This is for 50 million. ”

”Pass. ”

”This one is 59 million. ”

”Pass ”

After getting 8 bottles disregarded by Felix, Looby started to lose hope of catching his attention.
”This one is 57 million epic rank bloodline; its original price is actually 65 million.
This is as cheap as it can get. ” He rubbed his eyebrows and presented the AnoMamba Bloodline that Felix desired.

Curious, Felix raised an eyebrow and took the bottle from Looby ’s hands.
”Give me a moment.
I want to see its details. ” He coughed and explained, ”Previously, I ignored the rest of the bloodlines after I found the Mother Centipede. ”

”Believe me; this is one of the good bloodlines within the epic ranks.
It was extremely hard to catch due to its defense and overwhelming strength. ” He sighed, ”A lot of my hunters have been devoured by it. ”

”Yea, yea, whatever. ” Felix waved his hand, and shooed him away, ”Go to the corner and let me read in peace.
Your overselling won ’t move me. ”

Looby immediately shut his mouth and gazed at Felix ’s expression turn from intrigue to boredom, as he read the details of the bloodline.

Just as his mind was started to get filled with despairing thoughts, he heard Felix ’s disinterested voice, ”Whatever, I might take this if you lower the price to 55 million. ” He shook his head, ”I will not waste my entire budget on a bloodline that doesn ’t fit my fighting style that much. ”

”So sell it with 55 million, or I am heading to Sililin shop.
This time you can ’t stop me. ” He laid his last offer with a firm expression.

Looby unbothered by his tone nodded his head like a chicken and extended his hand for a handshake.
”It ’s a deal. ”

”We can sign a contract right now.
Just never buy from Sililin shop, and I will give you a lifetime 5% discount in my shop. ”

”Alright I see no issue in that, prepare the contract please, I have other places to be. ” Felix shook his hand and waited patiently for Looby to prepare the contract.

He didn ’t break out of his indifferent character for not even a moment.

A few minutes later, Looby displayed a one-page holographic contract before Felix.
There were not too many conditions on it.

”Hmm, I see no issues with the terms and conditions.
But change one little thing. ” Felix pointed his finger at the third clause and said, ”I will take care of delivery to my planet.
Just give me the serial code of the bottle.
I will decide when to receive it. ”

”No problem. ” Looby lightly touched Felix ’s bracelet and informed, ”I have sent it to you.
You just need to call Delivery Company and it will reach your doorstep undamaged. ”

After seeing that everything was perfect, Felix signed the contract with a pleasing smile.
He then stood up and bid farewell to Looby, as he left through the brick wall.

There was no reason to remain anymore.
55 million SC was deducted from his bank account the moment he signed the contract, as for the bottle? He left it inside.

What ’s important was the unique serial code of the product.

Immediately after Felix left the shop, Looby did a little dance with excitement written all over his face. ”Go prepare a small party.
Today we celebrate this victory over that cheating bitch. ” He ordered while biting his lips.
If he had teeth he would have gritted them.

’You stole my heart, and then stomped on it mercilessly.
You stole my job network, and then ruined my reputation, making me hide here like a rat.
Now you want to steal my clients as well?! ’

He opened a bottle of wine that was handed to him by the elves and chugged it down fully within few seconds.
He wiped his mouth clean with his sleeves and sneered, ’In your fucking dream Sililin.
As long as I live, I will climb back to where I was, and I will destroy you.
I swear on it.
Just wait you bitch. ’

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