Sick! Why isn anyone helping me?

”Traitor! Go faster! ”

A punch landed on Elens back. She hasn eaten since yesterday. Let alone being visited, there was not a single message from his family for Elen. Elens steps were limping, she lifted her head slowly. Someone spat in his face.

”Jerome? ”

The man, his fiancé Jerome stood in front. Now Elen will be saved. Jerome knew that she had not made the alleged mistake. Shes not a traitor. She tries hard to be perfect to become a queen. How could she destroy a kingdom that was guarded with all her might?

Another punch landed on Elens back. She fell, his knees hurting. However, Jerome didn help him at all. As soon as Elen raised his head, the man had left, towards a woman with silver hair. Ariana.

Once at Arianas side, Jerome turned to leave holding the womans hand.

So the news is true? He dumped me.

Elens ankles were attached to iron weights. Then a week ago a guard beat him for no apparent reason. Even though all the bad things kept coming to her, Elen was sure she would be saved today.

Her father loves Elen. So did her two step sisters. She only lost Jerome. She could still survive by only losing Jerome.

However, no matter how far Elen looked, her father was neither there nor her two stepsisters. Are they having difficulty getting onto the pitch where the punishment will be announced? Or are they now going to the king to ask forgiveness for Elen?

The soldier who beat Elen yesterday came, now forcing her to kneel with a stick. Elen felt pain all over her body. However, in her head, Elen said that everything was fine. Because her father and brothers will save Elen.

”Acacia Elenia! Duke Demian has removed you from the family register! ”

”What? ” asked Ellen quietly.

Issued? This means that he is no longer in the Demian family. However, she is the first child. Her father loved him very much. So did her two brothers. So there must be an error here.

”Your Excellency–. ” Elen tried to stand up so she could tell if something was wrong. His Majesty the king must have made a mistake. Not that the king was always like that, but everyone made mistakes. Only she was pushed back to his knees.

”Acacia Elenia, you have dared to try to kill the crown prince! Then gather people to revolt, with this you will be sentenced to death by beheading! Today! ”

The kings decision resounded in Elens ears. This is a dream she said in his heart. However, the pain all over his body was not a dream. The blows lodged into her back by the soldiers weren a dream either.

”You bastard! How can you still act like an innocent person after doing all this! ”

Elens face was wet from the soldiers spit. ”Im not guilty! ”

”If I were the king, you wouldn die this quickest way. I will skin you little by little until you beg to die and then throw you into the forest so that the beasts eat you. ”

”Im not guilty! ” said Elen again.

Her ears were ringing. She tried her best to resist the pull of the soldiers. Her whole body ached and Elen hadn been fed at all since yesterday.

Why? Why? Why? What is wrong with me?

In a flash Elen could see her family, standing among the people. They smile. Why? Ive done all the things you want!

Elen managed to jerk her h

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