vanguard … .”


It was frustrating to hear this.

Still, I know her situation, so I understand it, but I wonder what others would be like.


“What weapon do you use?”


At Ivan's question, Jin Ye-Seul flinched.


“One-handed sword and shield…… .”


Looks like we've got some positions sorted out, which is good.
If there was an overlap and a clash of opinions from the beginning, it would have been a problem…… .”


Ivan Hunt said so and looked around us in turn.


“Yoo Ji-hyuk as a scout, Kim Yoo-Hyun as main, Jin Ye-Seul as guard… The frontline goes like this.”


His voice was relaxed, but it had a resonance that somehow seemed to be conveyed well to the listener.

There was also a sense of persuasiveness in his words.


‘Is it because he’s getting the Spirit King's attention?’


“I am the archer, Han Soo-young is the wizard, and Lee Hyun-Seung is the supporter.
I think this is probably the best, but do you have any other opinions?”


“No objection.”


“Same here.”


“M, me too… .”


Ivan naturally took on the role of the leader, but no one seemed to have any particular complaints.

It was because the weight given by the title of 'joint first place' was great.

Above all, Han Soo-young was not the type to like to come forward, and so was I.


But still, it would be better to make sure of something like this.

So I raised my hand.


“Let's decide on the leader first.
And I'm a little embarrassed to be the one who suggested it, but why don't you take charge of it?”


“You mean me?”


I told him to take the position without hesitation, but Ivan didn't seem to be reluctant.


At times like this, the person who does something like a leader is a fool.

Thinking so, I looked around.


“What do you guys think? I think it would be better for Ivan to take charge of this as he's been leading naturally since earlier, and in many ways.”

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“I don't mind.”


Han Soo-Young quickly spat out a few words in agreement with my opinion.

She also had a personality to be fed up with being a leader like me.


“Oh, I don't mind either…”


“Honestly, I think he'll do the best among us, and in leadership too.”


Kim Yoo-Hyun and Lee Hyun-Seung also nodded.

Only at the end, Jin Ye-Seul also nodded while hesitating.

Almost instantly, it was decided regardless of his intention, but Ivan looked rather relieved.


“Then let me take over.
Please take care of me.”


We clapped our hands and looked at him.

Now that we had decided on the position and the leader of the group, it was time to decide how we were going to do it.


“We focus on the back row.”


This was the conclusion Ivan came to after we shared our brief armed status, grades, and rank at the time of the selection of our advisor.


To be honest, that's what I was thinking too.

Han Soo-Young and Ivan Hunt are in charge of casters and snipers, respectively.

There was no more luxurious camp than this.


“I hope you don't feel bad, but the front row is probably weaker than the back row.”


Ivan shook his hand with an awkward smile.

I waved as if I didn't care.


“Yoo Ji Hyuk's top priority is to attract the opponent's attention as the spearhead, and Jin Ye-Seul's is to protect the back row.
And Kim Yoo-Hyun, use your halberd's long reach to stand in the middle and give proper support to both.”




“I and Han Soo-Young are in charge of snipers and casters, respectively.
Han Soo-young will overpower and distract the majority of the enemy at once, and I will take their breath away.
Lee Hyun-Seung, please make it your top priority to make sure the spearhead doesn't collapse.”


“That's appropriate.”


Han Soo-Young nodded.

It's not always easy to follow a plan in a real battle, but that doesn't mean that you don't have to make the most basic plans.


“I think we'd better get ready.”


As we were talking to each other, it was almost time for us to enter.


Orhe Academy's model dungeon boasts a size that can accommodate up to 1,000 people at the same time without any problems due to its setting.

It meant fifty groups, that is, a total of three hundred people, would be enough to fit in.


“The terrain of the dungeon is important.”


“What would you like to see come out?”


“Honestly, I can’t give an answer because I’ve never worked together before.
However, since the back row is the main focus, it would be nice to have a place where the back row is not restricted.”


We began discussing with each other to lightly unwind.

I instinctively looked at Jin Ye-Seul, and indeed, she was in a state of being unable to melt in among us.

And seeing her like that, I felt goosebumps from the bottom of my heart.


‘It's hard to believe, she's one of the best psychopaths in the world.’


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It was not enough, she was also a person who had hidden her abilities from her childhood until now.

One day, most of the children who ridiculed and laughed at her will tremble for fear of being harmed.

While I was looking at her with that thought, my eyes met Jin Ye-Seul's.




I took a step closer to her without expressing anything.

Then, with a terrified look, Jin Ye-Seul backed away from me as much as I approached her.

Not forgetting that she was acting, I spoke to her lightly.


“Don't be too nervous.
Since it's the first class, it shouldn't be that hard.”


“Uh, yes…… .”


“I’m not proud of it, but I got an E overall.
What about you?”


“Ah, me too…… .”


“Both of us are stragglers.”


I smiled excessively and burst into laughter.


“Don't you think that the others behind us are good? So you and I will just have to hold on.”




“Let’s work hard with the same stragglers.”


“… Yes.”


Jin Ye-Seul nodded with a look as if she was still wary of me.

Han Soo-Young, who saw me like that, snorted and said.


“Did you openly said, you’re going to take the bus now?”


“Well, I’ll try my best to do my part.”


“Thanks a lot.”


Han Soo-Young answered that with a smile.


“Team 10! Team 11 get ready! Don't forget, the goal is simply to pass the dungeon, not to subjugate or explore!”


At Lee Myung-Joon's shout, we made our way to the entrance of the dungeon.

I fiddled with the hilt of the dagger, thinking about what would happen inside.


“Come on!”


At Lee Myung-Joon's shout, the group with me at the forefront stepped straight into the dungeon.



I hope there's nothing annoying.

I moved my body thinking that way.


“…… .”


“…… .”


And the Henir's Shadow and the branch of the World Tree were instinctively telling me that at least two eyes were sticking to our backs.


I just quietly concluded that it would be difficult for my little wish to come true.



Jin Ye-Seul illustration…….

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