hings would not have ended up this way! ” Gu Juexi was agitated listening to Ye Yuwei defending Gu Tianmu.

Gu Juexi ’s voice was loud and it startled the people in the dining hall.

Xixi looked at her daddy, confused and frightened.

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Ye Yuwei picked a clam from its shell and put it on Ye Xicheng ’s plate.
”You can always find an excuse to hate him, but do you want your son to do the same to you? ”

”Ye Yuwei, why do you always take his side? ” Gu Juexi grimaced in dismay.
It was not the first time Ye Yuwei had done this.

”You are being too childish, ” Ye Yuwei remarked in a stern voice.

Ye Xicheng raised his gaze to his mother.
Ye Yuwei reached over and stroked his head tenderly.
”You are still young, you have the right to be childish. ”

Ye Xicheng found his mommy ’s statement disagreeable.

Gu Juexi snarled furiously at Ye Yuwei but she just scoffed.

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She admitted that this was not the first time she had defended Gu Tianmu.
She used to talk about how Gu Tianmu was innocent and Gu Juexi had almost fought with her on several occasions when she did.

She considered herself rather gracious to Gu Tianmu.
She still took his side after everything he had done to her.

Undeniably, there was an obvious change in Gu Juexi ’s attitude too.
Back then, he would simply walk away when a fight occurred between the two of them, but now he was simply huffing in exasperation but he did not leave his seat.

They had been through a lot of ups and downs, so they understood each other ’s limits.
Ye Yuwei didn ’t push him to the point where they would quarrell in front of the children and Gu Juexi understood her intention, so both of them decided to put their debate on hold.Shang huo is a unique concept in traditional Chinese medicine which is caused by excessive heat in the body and can result in ulcers.

Certain foods are ”cooling ” while others are ”heaty ”

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