The Only Necromancer

Hunter Test (2)

Today I will go to fathers grave, and also I will apply as a hunter. I said goodbye to my mother and immediately went to my fathers grave. For the victims of the portal tragedy in 2017, the government made a monument with their names in a park. This park was built near Bucheon. The place is a bit far from the Hunter Association office, but I have to go there to take a look.

I finally met my father again, but this time I couldn see him anymore.

”Father Im sorry… from now on I will be responsible for the family, I hope you rest in peace ”, Then I fell silent and cried.

After that I rushed to the Hunter Association office, this building looks really big. There are a lot of hunters in front of the building. Then I decided to immediately register myself in the administration. Today there are about 200 people trying to apply as hunters.

”My name is Lee Won Myung and I want to apply as a hunter ”

”Okay, participant Lee Won Myung, your name has been registered and please go to the waiting lobby ”

”Okay, thank you ”

”Excuse me, you forgot your name tag ”

”Ohh Im sorry, then Ill excuse myself ”

Then I rushed to the waiting lobby. Seen there are many people who are ready to take the test. After I check on the forum, there are 3 tests that must be passed before becoming a hunter and getting rank. The first is a written test where we will be asked general questions about portals, monsters, and hunters. This test covers only 20 percent of all assessments. Then there is the combat test, where participants have to fight against goblins that have been prepared by the Hunter Association. And finally the test is an ability test, the Hunter Association will judge our abilities based on our status through a machine.

The main point of all these tests is the combat test. Because from there they could judge ones ability against monsters, even if the hunter had high stats it wouldn be useful if they couldn kill monsters. Therefore the combat test becomes a very important test because it can assess a persons instincts and also his ability to fight for real.

We can also use weapons that have been provided by the Hunter Association, therefore participants are not required to carry personal weapons. But it can be seen that there are many participants who have their own weapons. There were also some rich people who used good equipment to apply for the Hunter Association.

Im very nervous, Ive never fought monsters before. The last time I met a monster I couldn even move my legs. Honestly, I thought I might fail this test. However I was determined to help my family, I couldn keep running away. Right now, I have to believe in myself.


The announcement bell has rung.

”For the participants who are already waiting in the lobby, it is expected to enter the first test room immediately ”

Then me and the other participants immediately walked to the test room. I walked towards the room but I accidentally bumped into someone because the place was too crowded.

”Hey you whats your problem??!?!? ”

”Im sorry I accidentally bumped into you ”

”You think I care? Im Hwa Sung-Hoon! Don you know who I am?! ”

”Im sorry, I don know who are you ”

”Damn you, you weaklings, get out of my sight ”

Then I walked away from him and immediately entered the test room. What just happened I didn think it would happen. Even though I didn mean to but why was he so angry. And also he said that he is Hwa Sung-Hoon, I don know who he is. Theres still time before the test starts it seems I have to find out about him. After I checked it, it turned out that he was the son of the Dae Ryong Group, they are a fairly large company in Korea. Come to think of it he also used expensive equipment.

”Haaah… ”, I couldn help but sigh.

Alright, time to focus on the test. Then the test started, there were about 50 questions given. This test is still relatively easy because many questions are commonly known. Luckily Ive read a lot from the Hunter forums, this test runs for about 1 hour. Very tiring but I managed to finish it. For this test Im sure I can get a pretty high score. However, the written test is not important.


”All participants are expected to immediately prepare for the combat test ”

Looks like its about time, with my current abilities it doesn seem like it will be difficult to fight the goblins. The assessment of the test is quite simple, the more goblins you kill, the higher your score will be. When reading on the forums Ive gotten advice to attack the head of a goblin with one slash, swordsmen have the advantage against goblins because they have a sharp attack and also quite good defense. Its also said to always maintain our position when fighting goblins, luckily the goblins will be taken out based on their level. When we complete 1 level, the number of goblins that come out will increase by 1. This means that if it is level 10 then we will fight 10 goblins. This test record is owned by Koreas No. 1 Hunter, Ryu Young Soo, he managed to kill 221 goblins. Im not even sure I can kill 5 goblins.

As I was sitting and looking at the forums for information. Hwa Sung-Hoon came and approached me.

”Hey you weakling, looks like you will also take the combat test, I hope you can survive against 1 goblin haha ”

After saying that he just left with his friends, they laughed at me and also made fun of me. But I don care, for now I have to focus. Looks like most of the hunters can escape when you kill 5 goblins, meaning you can escape if you can survive to level 3. The total goblins you kill after level 3 is 6. But I have to get a higher score than that. I don know how high a score I can get, but the higher the better.

Our test site is a special portal that has been prepared by the Hunter Association. There are a total of 10 portals, and participants will enter alternately. Each portal will be monitored by 2 officers, and also if there is a problem or anything participants can press the bracelet button on the bracelet that has been given by the Hunter Association. Ive taken the swords provided by the Hunter Association, and we
e also allowed to use armor from them.

Its my first time using this armor, and also Ive never wielded a weapon before. But it looks fun, although its a little bit thrilling thats why I feel so excited to take this combat test. Im lined up at portal number 7, and I have to wait for my turn. I got the 3rd order out of 20 people. So I was able to finish this earlier than the participants.

The test has already started and the first participant in my portal got a score of 12, thats a pretty good score and also that person has an archer class. And the second participant got a score of 19, from all the initial participants the score was the highest for now. That person has a Fighter class, he has extraordinary physical abilities. And it looks like its my turn to enter the portal.

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