” Jiang Li spoke very quickly, afraid that the elders would hear her.

“Mom may have noticed that something is wrong.
You guys should think of a way.”

After all, this was a matter between Yue Qing and Blake.
Blake had thrown away his work for Yue Qing and was willing to stay in the kitchen.
There was no way she could chase Blake away.

In the end, it still depended on Yue Qing’s attitude.

“What are you guys talking about at the door? Go sit in the living room and talk.” Yue Ji was finally willing to shift his attention away from the book.

They finally moved back to the living room, but they were talking about Blake.

Yue Qing did not look too good.
He still had the attitude of wanting to drive Blake away, but how could he drive Blake away?

Blake’s mentality was particularly good.
For the sake of his love, he could ignore all negative emotions and only take care of Yue Qing wholeheartedly.

He would also appear gentle and reliable in front of the elders.

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Yue Qing was no match for Blake.

Jiang Li finally stood up and patted Yue Qing’s shoulder.
Yue, you should work hard.”

She tried her best to think of a way to solve this matter.

Jiang Li went to the kitchen to help.

Fu Jiuxiao accompanied Yue Qing to talk about books.

Yue Qing was left out, so she could only go back to the study room to read some documents out of boredom.

The kitchen was very lively.
Kong Xia and Jiang Li were chatting and laughing, and from time to time, they would talk about Blake.

Kong Xia always felt that Blake’s attitude toward Yue Qing was very strange, and she hoped that she could get a definite answer from Jiang Li.

Jiang Li glared at Blake angrily, but when she turned to look at Kong Xia, she was full of smiles.
“Mom, we met Mr.
Fu earlier.
His uncle has a partnership with the Fu Corporation.”

She turned to Blake and said, “When are you going back to Jing City to deal with your work?”

Blake understood what Jiang Li meant.
was she planning to let him go?


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It was not easy for him to seize the opportunity to be by Yue Qing’s side.
He had to work hard in front of his elders and perform well.
He could not give up so easily.

“I work hard every day,” Blake said casually.
Using the excuse of reminding Yue Qing to take her medicine, he walked out of the kitchen first.


Did he escape?

Jiang Li was extremely annoyed.
She knew that it would be extremely difficult to deal with this guy.

Kong Xia was relieved.
“I see.
He is quite thoughtful.
It’s just that he is usually too enthusiastic.”

Jiang Li secretly rolled her eyes.
However, she still had to explain in front of Kong Xia, “Foreigners are all like this.”

“I’ve even seen foreigners who are even more enthusiastic than him.”

Kong Xia was becoming more and more relieved, while Jiang Li was becoming more and more annoyed.

Blake was too clingy.

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