Chapter 74: In A Harmonious Marriage, The Luan And The Phoenix Will Sing Together1.

“Mu Zhiming is getting married?” Pei Hantang asked: “Who is he getting married to? Has he already made up his mind? How can he decide to get married just like that?”

Wen Heyin asked, puzzled: “Why are you so upset about this?”

“…..” Pei Hantang clenched his hand into a fist, held it against his lips and lightly coughed: “This… a long story…..
But you still haven’t answered my question.
Who will Lord Mu marry?”

“I don’t know.” Wen Heyin said.
“But I can see that my Young Master has been pretty entangled lately.
He mentioned something about the daughter of the Commander of the Imperial Army, or the daughter of the Military Governor of the Thousand Cavalry Guards.
I don’t quite understand, but I do know that Master and Madam will definitely choose a suitable match for Young Master.”

Pei Hantang hastened to ask: “Then, nothing has been decided yet, right? The engagement gifts haven’t been delivered, and the engagement hasn’t been effectuated, right?”

“Mm-hmm.” Wen Heyin nodded.

Pei Hantang let out a sigh of relief: “I understand.”

Wen Heyin: “What do you understand?”

Pei Hantang replied: “There’s no point in saying anything else.
Come here, let’s keep drinking.”

At night, the stone steps were as cool as cold water, and by the time Wen Heyin returned to the Mu Residence, the sky had already turned dark.
As he passed by Mu Zhiming’s study on his way to his own room, Wen Heyin was unable to stop himself from glancing inside.
Sure enough, he saw that the study was slightly illuminated inside, indicating that Mu Zhiming was still awake.

Throughout the day, one question had relentlessly haunted Wen Heyin’s mind.
So Wen Heyin believed that Mu Zhiming, with his vast knowledge, would be able to help him find the right answer.

Thus, Wen Heyin approached the study and softly knocked on the door.

“Who is it?” Mu Zhiming asked.

“Young Master, it’s me.” Wen Heyin replied, still outside.

“A-Yin? Come on in.”

Wen Heyin cautiously opened the door, finding Mu Zhiming sitting at his desk with a gentle smile lighting up his face: “A-Yin, what’s wrong?”

“Young Master, I just have a question to ask you.” Wen Heyin approached him with a few steps.

“Hmm? A-Yin, have you been drinking?” Mu Zhiming was surprised.

Wen Heyin backed up a few steps in shock: “Do I smell of liquor?! I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I’ll go wash up right away!”

“It’s alright, the smell of liquor isn’t that strong.
I simply asked because you rarely drink.” Mu Zhiming hastened to clarify.
“There’s no need for you to leave.
Come here, have a seat.
What was it that you wanted to ask me?”

“It’s…..” Wen Heyin scratched his head.
is about….
the zodiac animals.
The Year of the Snake and the Year of the Monkey.
Do they have any meaning?”

“Meaning?” Mu Zhiming was puzzled.
“Why are you suddenly asking me about this?”

“It’s simple….
curiosity….” Wen Heyin averted his gaze, and his words were somewhat hesitant.

“The Year of the Snake and the Year of the Monkey, hmm.” Mu Zhiming pondered for a moment before grinning contentedly, “Now I remember.
These two zodiac animals are part of the Compatibility of the Six Zodiac Signs2.”

“The Compatibility of the Six Zodiac Signs?” Wen Heyin didn’t understand.
“What does that mean?”

“It means that they complement each other in harmony.
If two people born in those years were to marry, or form a couple, they could make a harmonious and blissful union.
Just like the Luan and the Phoenix singing together.” Mu Zhiming explained.
“Hmm? A-Yin, why is your face so red?”

Wen Heyin’s words became incoherent: “No, cough, it’s nothing.
It’s because, because of having drunk liquor.
Right, Young Master, about your marriage…..
has it been decided yet?”

Mu Zhiming lowered his gaze, and in a very soft voice, replied: “Not yet.”

Tomorrow would be the ten-day deadline that Mu Zhiming and his parents agreed upon.
But Mu Zhiming still had his doubts.

“Well, this is indeed a very crucial decision in your life, so you really need to be very careful in considering everything until you make the best decision.” Wen Heyin nodded.

“A-Yin….” Mu Zhiming hesitated a little, but finally asked: “Do you think I can become disagreeable at times?”

In regards to Gu Heyan, Mu Zhiming thought that by calling him ‘Heyan’, even if they weren’t exactly close, they might come to consider each other friends.
However, that last time they saw each other, the words Gu Heyan said to him, ‘No need to explain’, made Mu Zhiming not dare to have extravagant hopes.

“Ah?!!!” Wen Heyin exclaimed in shock.
“Young Master, how can you think that? Who dared to call you unpleasant?! I’ll beat him to a pulp!”

Mu Zhiming’s voice became so soft that it could be mistaken for a mosquito’s buzz: “No….
is not like that…..”

“Young Master! You are the most knowledgeable, handsome and most clever person I have ever met in my life!” Wen Heyin dragged out the words ‘most’, to emphasize them above the rest and make it clear that he meant it.

Mu Zhiming, amused at his words, laughed: “I see.”

However, the next second, a thought flashed through Mu Zhiming’s mind and a deep sense of loss welled up in his eyes.
Mu Zhiming lowered his gaze once again and repeated: “I see.”

Wen Heyin, noticing his change in mood, carefully asked: “Young Master, are you alright?”

“I’m fine.
I’ve made up my mind.” Mu Zhiming looked up, and said: “Anyway, there are some people who are no more than a fleeting illusion or a glimmer in the water to me.
It’s better not to think or worry about them, and just proceed with my original plan.”

Wen Heyin didn’t understand what he meant: “Ah? Young Master, what are you talking about?”

Mu Zhiming replied: “A-Yin, in this life, I will make sure to protect everyone.
Protect you and the Mu Family.”

“What do you mean by ‘this life’?” Wen Heyin scratched the back of his head.
“Am I really that drunk that I can’t understand anything you’re saying?”

Mu Zhiming laughed and said: “Go wash up and rest.”

Wen Heyin replied: “Alright……”

At that very moment, Pei Hantang ran into the Gu Residence, shouting: “Gu Yuyi! Where is everyone?! Something big is happening!”


Wen Zhongcheng rushed out to greet him: “Lord Pei, the Young Master is preparing to rest.
What can I do for you? Wouldn’t you rather come back early tomorrow morning?”

“How can he rest now?! The situation is urgent and he only thinks of sleeping?!” Pei Hantang rushed to Gu Heyan’s wing room to find him.

Although Pei Hantang had come uninvited, and without prior notice very late at night, Gu Heyan didn’t get angry.
Instead, he got out of bed, put on a robe, and calmly asked: “Why have you come at this hour?”

“Gu Yuyi, you big-hearted fool, you will really worry me to death!” Pei Hantang dragged Gu Heyan to the low table in the wing room, and said: “Come, sit down! I have something important to tell you!”

As soon as Gu Heyan and Pei Hantang knelt down on opposite sides of the table, Gu Heyan asked: “What happened?”

Pei Hantang took a deep breath, and said: “Did you know that the Duke of Yan is looking for a candidate to marry off your little Gongzi?”




婚配则鸾凤和鸣 hūn pèi zé luán fèng hé míng; This phrase metaphorically refers to a harmonious and blissful marriage.
It implies that for a marriage to be successful, the husband and wife must live in harmony, appreciate and support each other, thus together, they can create a beautiful married life.
The mythical birds, ( luán) Luan and ( fèng) Phoenix represent woman and man respectively, together, these two birds are used metaphorically to refer to a couple. 六合之相 liù hé zhī xiāng; It can also be translated as “The Complementary Relationship of the Six Harmonies” or “Complimentary Match/Couple” It refers to a concept in Chinese astrology where certain zodiac signs are believed to have a harmonious and complementary relationship with each other.
In the case of “巳蛇 sì shé” (Year 6, or the Year of the Snake) and “申猴 shēn hóu” (Year 9, or the Year of the Monkey), it’s that they’re considered to be a complementary match or a harmonious pair.
According to this belief, if individuals born in the Year of the Snake and the Year of the Monkey form a union or marriage, it is believed that happiness and fulfillment will come to them.
Similar to the mythical Luan and Phoenix match (鸾凤和鸣 luán fèng hé míng) that symbolizes harmony and bliss.

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