at the family seats at the wedding hall? And light the candle[3]? And the husband of the woman who was my wife bows[4] like he’s my son-in-law or something? Huh?

This kind of story wouldn’t even appear in a shitty drama.

Cold sweat kept on flowing so much that it felt like it might even come from my eyes.

‘If I really find someone I want to be with for the rest of my life, let’s just cut off my tongue.’

I would unhesitatingly cut it, damn.
Just say that there was an accident when I went into a dungeon.
…What if Yoohyun brings over a healer.
Regrowing a tongue, even an A-Rank could probably do.
Did I have to become a crazy guy who refuses treatment?

……Ah I don’t know, I really don’t know.
Anyways for 5 year from now on my dating luck was zero.
Let’s not think about it.

‘Low ranking skills didn’t have these many things added…’

Then again, even A-Ranks had effects with no explanations, so an L-Rank would probably have more.
Still, it wasn’t like looking for a landmine.
It was to the effect of being scared to use the skill.

‘Shouldn’t you explain these important effects? You just had to add just one more line.
Even something brief like ‘the other person starts to regard the skill user as a caregiver’.’

Perfect Caregiver, My Brat, growth buff, I love you, influence.
It gave a hint in its own way, but how could you expect me to deduce with just that? I’m not some Sherlock Holmes.

Seeing your blue tie, this morning you ate bean soup and recently broke up with your lover and just quit smoking and are left-handed wow!

Let’s just raise magic beasts.
It’s safe and peaceful.

I organized my thoughts and got up from my bed.
Wait, it felt like I forgot something.

‘Oh, right.’

I sent Kim Sunghan a text to please come see me once just prior to going into a dungeon.
Since the skill was applied, I should promote his growth at least.
And… there was nothing besides that, right?

My hangover had disappeared but my head hurt dully.
I had to get the novice Hunter training so I should get ready to wash and go out.
What time was it? It was definitely 10 in the morni… ack I was late!

“It was changed to 2 in the afternoon.”

When I hurriedly kicked my room door open and went out, Yoo Myeongwoo poked his head out the kitchen and spoke.

“Before that, that cat was restless starting from last night-.”

“Cat? Peace?”

“When you came back to the house, you were unconscious and had to be carried in.
So I think he was alarmed.”

Oh dear.
Then again, you couldn’t communicate with him so you couldn’t explain that I was slightly dazed because I was drunk.

I quickly ran to the living room.
I saw the figure of a small animal curled right next to the glass door instead of in his comfortable sleeping place.


-Kooeueung, keueung! Keeang!

As soon as he saw me, Peace scratched the glass and whined plaintively.
There, there.
Our baby.
You must have worried a lot.

I quickly opened the door and embraced the clinging Peace.

“You were really alarmed, right? It’s okay, I’m sorry.
Things like that won’t happen from now on.”


“Right, right.
Our Peace.”

If I get plastered again, I’m a dog, a dog.


Yoo Myeongwoo came over with a tray with cups.
But why were there four cups? The colors of the drinks were slightly different too.

“What is it, that?”

“Hangover cure drinks.
They were bought by, from the most lefthand side, your dongsaeng, Kim Sunghan-ssi, Bak Yerim-yang, and me.”

My heart was thankful but I didn’t need them.

“As you see, I’m fine, so I don’t need to drink.”

“They said they would check that you drank, though.”


“All three of them.”

I mean, why would they check even this… Alright, as the one who used his skill while not knowing it well, it was my fault.
It wasn’t something difficult and I just had to drink, so I was reaching out my hand when I stopped.

“You’re not going to tell which one I drank first, right?”

“If they ask, I think I’d have to tell them though…”

Yoo Myeongwoo said unconfidently.
Then again, what strength did you have that you would refuse?

Let’s see, Kim Sunghan would be fine.
But that dongsaeng and Yerim were the problem.
They’d already gone one round.

I did think that they probably wouldn’t fight again over this, but just in case.

After a short consideration, I held up the drink that Yoohyun sent first.
In these cases, it was best to side with the strongest guy.

“But anyways, do you have a hyung that you’re close to?”

I asked, emptying the last glass.
I was still half guessing about the skill effect, so I had to check for certain.

“Hyung? I don’t? I only have noonas who are a lot older than me.”

…It wouldn’t be noona, right? Seeing him cling, it seemed like it might.
It was better than mom, but I hated noona too.

“Were you close… to your noonas?”

“No, not at all.”

Whew, that was a relief.

“Then, with your parents?”

Yoo Myeongwoo smiled bitterly and shook his head.

“If I did, I wouldn’t have had any need to stamp a slave contract.
I did get a lot of allowance when I was young.
Back then, the conditions in the house was good.
Still, both my parents worked so it was hard to even see my parents’ faces, and my noonas would leave me out and then later treat me like a servant.
It’s been a long time since they all married so we aren’t in contact.”

If it wasn’t family, then just who did he think of me as? Relatives? Teacher? Some adult neighbor?

“Um, by any chance is there anyone who you think of when you see me?”

I just asked openly.
Myeongwoo put on a puzzled expression.

“There isn’t?”

There wasn’t? What, did I happen to guess wrong?

“By any chance, during your life, was there someone who gave you the most help or was the only one you could depend on? There should have been at least one.”

“Of course there is.”

Yoo Myeongwoo continued, a little bashfully.

“It’s you, Yoojin.”


“That’s right.
Of course, you.
Who else would there be besides you? Putting aside the matter at the Association, coming to save someone from where thugs were gathered, even their flesh and blood would probably hesitate? As for my family, they definitely would have pretended they didn’t know.”

Hearing that, it was correct at least.

But, saving Yoo Myeongwoo was after the keyword was applied, and before that I had just spoken a few words to him.
It definitely wasn’t at the level of being treated like a caregiver.

Was it that if there wasn’t a proper caregiver, the effect application also didn’t work?

‘If I think about it, I also don’t have someone I could call a caregiver.’

Of course it wasn’t that there weren’t any who had looked after me.
But unlike Yoohyun and Kim Sunghan, there weren’t any who I had placed my affections and who I could think of and was thankful to.

No matter how impressive of a L-Rank skill, title it was, it couldn’t forcefully make something that didn’t exist and display the effect.
So Yoo Myeonwoo genuinely liked me and clung…

“Why did you suddenly draw back? Do you still have a hangover?”

“Huh? Yeah, a little…”

I wanted to maintain an appropriate distance for my privacy and mental health.

‘Then in the end, there’s just Yerim left.’

For Yoohyun, it was just that the extent got more severe, and he was still treating me as his hyung so checking was impossible, so only Yerim was left.

…Dad, please dad.
I believe in you, Yerim.
I believe in you, who definitely must have been family-oriented, Yerim’s father.

[1] since ‘oppa’ is what girls call older boys they are close to, it’s a sign of closeness (if you’re not related) and so a lot of girls call their boyfriends ‘oppa’.
Also, dad (‘appa’) sounds close to ‘oppa’

[2] lit.
‘move tongue wrongly’

[3] lighting the candles in a wedding is usually done by the parents, esp mothers, of the couple being wedded

[4] where you kneel down and bow as a sign of respect.
Often in in specific traditional ceremonies, including weddings.

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