aint is not the head of the temple.

The temple had a hierarchical bureaucracy whose tier list was longer than that of the imperial government.
And the saint was not included in the system.

It was the same even if formally she was a messenger of the word of God.
The system will reject a foreign entity that has suddenly emerged.

While believers, monks, and lower priests believed in and served with sincerity.

Nevertheless, the priests of the temples and the servants who took care of the administrative affairs of the temple were not willing to obey the orders of the saint.

As an individual they could have followed it even by throwing their body, but the temple could not move that way.

Moreover, today’s bishops are compromised between piety and practical power.

They were also the huge walls that Lysia first encountered as a saintess.

The bishops respected and held her high.
However, rather than listening to her as an agent of the God, they only thought of her as a symbol that would enhance the authority of the temple.

In the end, the bribes worked and they were also involved in the manipulation of the divine message.

They manipulated the oracle, of course, primarily because they wanted to influence secular power by making the saintess the Empress.

But it was also because the lower priests and monks, who realized that they could not follow the will of the saintess within the temple, continued to depart.

It was an agreement between the imperial family and the temple to imprison Lysia in the Empress’ palace.

Artizea can’t move with a temple like that.

She did not think that she would be able to take control of the temple with such an insignificant title, and there was no time to waste it on.

The power that can be obtained is small and only the responsibility is heavy.
The number of enemies will increase, and there will be reasons to be attacked and reasons to be checked.

The name of a saint is not even a variable.
It is a negative factor.

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Fortunately, Brother Colton nodded at Artizea’s request to keep this a secret.

[“You can do whatever you want.
I am a monk.
The temple does not impose any obligations on me.”]

Saying so, he said with a blank face.

[“I know what you are worried about.
The temple will not follow you in carrying out the oracle, but will try to use the oracle and you for the power of the temple.”]

[“Thank you for your understanding.”]

[“Maybe that is why God has entrusted me with the role of bringing you here.”]

Brother Colton said so.

Artizea let out a small sigh.
Then she suddenly asked Lysia.



“Do you believe in God?”


Lysia looked embarrassed.

Artizea suddenly called with a serious face, so she thought she had done something wrong or Artizea was trying to tell a story about her family.

“Just curious.”

Artizea lowered her eyes and said.

It was an impulsive question.
She wondered what Lysia would have been like when she first received the divine message.

Lysia is faithful, but she is not a believer or a monk who puts God at the center of her life and lives according to the teachings of the temple.

Artizea did not know Lysia before becoming the Saintess in the past.
She only vaguely thought that she had the character, ability, and devotion to become a Saintess.

Lysia’s face turned slightly red.

“I don’t know.
I’m a believer, but I don’t go to the temple often… … .”

“You’ve never even read the end of the scripture, have you?”

Hayley stepped in.
Then, Lysia’s face became even redder.

Artizea grinned.

“If the person who read and memorized the scriptures is a true believer in God, then I would be a believer among believers.
Hayley, how about you?”

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“I am an atheist.”

Hayley spoke out, but her face turned a little red.
It was because she thought she was being overly harsh.

“To be precise, whether there is a God or not I don’t think they have any interest in human affairs.
They wouldn’t have made the world this way if they do.”

“I still think there is a God.
I do not believe in all the teachings of the temple.”

Lysia squealed and responded.

“I believe that there’s some kind of good will to lead the world in the right direction no matter how difficult it is.”

“… … .”

Artizea looked at Lysia quietly.
Then she looked away.

As expected, God had chosen the wrong person.

Hayley asked.

“Why are you curious about that?”

“Just that.
I remember talking to Brother Colton.”

Artizea responded only like that.
This was something she couldn’t discuss with anyone.


It was that evening.

Artizea took a bath, ate, and went to bed early.

There was a lot of work to be done, but there was no rush to do it.

She made a list of people to meet the next day and informed Ansgar in advance.
The issue of the western region rebirth project was to be discussed with the Empress, even if it was a formality.

And it was about the time she got into bed and barely melted her cold toes with a bag of warm water.

Alice quietly entered the bedroom.

“What’s going on?”

Artizea opened her eyes and asked.
It was because Alice was wearing an outdoor cloak.

Alice said cautiously.

“The Young Lady of Marchioness Camellia has come to see you in private.”

“I see.”

Artizea closed her eyes for a moment and drove away her sleepiness.

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