
Caught off guard, she slipped and started sliding down the slope!

She jumped in shock, stretched out and waved her hands randomly.
She had managed to grab the rope, and her body hanged midway.
The rope tightened, bearing her pressure.

As soon as her lower body lost ground, Wen Yantong burst out with an exclamation.
And when she turned around she started to sweat.

Good heavens! No wonder there was rope fenced here!

There was a big hole! The soil seemed to have just been turned over, it seemed the academy wanted to build something here.

Wen Yantong didn't want to fall and tear her muscles and break her bones, nor did she didn't want to roll in mud, so she raised her voice, “Help—!!”

She only wanted to go to a remote place, but now she suffered a big loss.
She shouted several times at the top of her voice, but to no avail.

Had she known earlier, she would have gone and obediently taken her exam!

Where the hell did all her bad luck come from? !

Wen Yantong hung on the side of the pit for a half an hour, before her screams were noticed by a construction worker.

When she saw a person approaching, Wen Yantong excitedly called out, “Brother! Brother, please help me! I can't hold on anymore!”

Seeing her hanging half-way into the pit, shouting until her face was red, the construction worker hurriedly threw his equipment on the ground and helped her up.

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Wen Yantong didn't care if her body would get dirty as she laid on the ground, panting heavily.

“Little scholar, how did you get here? The school is quite far from here.” The construction worker asked.

“I wanted to find a quiet place to study in the morning, so I came here.” Wen Yantong opened her eyes and fabricated.
After resting for a while, she thanked him again and again before getting up and walking away with a limp.

The teacher found her that afternoon and severely criticized her for missing the exam.
Fortunately, Wen Yantong admitted her mistake and was relieved of punishment.

But when she was leaving, the teacher told her that her absence had been recorded, and she still had to take the make-up exam.

Wen Yantong almost collapsed! She clung on a rope in a large pit for half an hour! In the end, she still had to take the Knowledge for Law exam!

Then what was the point of her fighting for her life this morning?

Depressed, Xiao* Wen went to bed early, hoping her sweet dreams would heal her wound.
pure tl.
com is the original tler / don’t re-post

(Pure: Xiao means little.
So: Little Wen)

At first, she didn't feel any pain, but when Wen Yantong woke up the next day, it was as if her arms were constantly being hit by a hammer.

She grimaced in pain.

Misery loves company, and the next day was the martial arts exam.

Wen Yantong stood in the martial arts field, watching her classmates shooting arrows at the target with a dull face.
She occasionally wiped her running nose which dripped from time to time.

The martial arts was simple; it was an arrow accuracy test.
Each person had three arrows.
The best of the three shots was taken as the final score.

Wen Yantong didn’t care for the lively scene around her, she was only deeply concerned about one thing: whether she could shoot the arrow out.

After reading the students were called one by one, it was finally Wen Yantong's turn.
translate(d) by pure tl.
com / do not steal / re po/st

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She took the bow and arrow handed by Teacher Wu.
Her hand began to tremble when she lifted it, accompanied by intermittent throbbing.

Coincidentally, Teacher Wu was the one who held her down when she had tried to kill the rooster before.
He glanced at her and said in a low voice, “Don't be nervous, just shoot three arrows with a calm mind.”

Wen Yantong replied with a solemn expression.

When she stood on the exam podium, Wen Yantong realized that she couldn't see the target clearly.
She fiddled with the bow and arrow in her hand, and listened to Master Wu's signal to start the exam, “Set up the arrow and raise your bow!”

She held the bow and arrow like how she saw everyone else had done.
However, as soon as she exerted force, her arms began to tremble wildly, like a sieve.
This movement was so big that others began to laugh.

Master Wu walked behind her, “Elbows.
How did you learn previously?”

Wen Yantong shuddered when she heard his voice, and now her leg began to hurt.
She straightened her back quickly.

Unfortunately, her arms were very sore.
In addition, she had never touched a bow and arrow before, so her two attempts were terrible.

The first arrow landed by her feet, and the second one fell halfway.
Wen Yantong just wanted to shoot the three arrows quickly, she didn’t care about her score.

In the corner of the martial arts field, Chi Jingxi stood in front of the archery bow rack and wiped the bow in his hand.

Cheng Xin, who was beside him, suddenly laughed.

Chi Jingxi asked, “What are you laughing at?”

Cheng Xin smiled and said, “Look at that kid, looks like just a trembling flagpole.”

Chi Jingxi raised his eyelids and glanced at Wen Yantong, who was standing on the exam podium.
Her arms were shaking very obviously, and an arrow had fallen from her feet.
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com / do not steal / re po/st

The target in front of her was empty.

Chi Jingxi only took a quick glance, and had no interest in continuing to watch.
He lowered his head to brush his bow, and said casually, “His two arms can’t even properly use chopsticks, a talentless person.”

As soon as his voice fell, Master Wu's command to release the arrow sounded accompanied with a ‘dung’ sound.
Cheng Xin's surprised voice followed shortly after.

“Yo! That kid just hit the bull's-eye!”

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