g rosy.
“Little Brother, I think I heard assistant uncle mention my brother’s name earlier.”

Mo Bei, who couldn’t lie to children, changed the topic.
“Mm… Your brother and I will become teammates tomorrow.”

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“Really?” Little Lin’s eyes lit up instantly.
“That’s wonderful! My brother still doesn’t know this? Don’t tell him, Little Brother.
Wait till tomorrow and give him a surprise.”

Surprise would probably be the last emotion he’d be feeling.

However, Mo Bei certainly wouldn’t say that.
She only coolly replied, “Okay.”

Little Lin excitedly played another match with Little Brother.
He stayed until 7 p.m, when he was fetched home by his driver…

At night, in the Dark Flares Headquarters…

Vacation had officially ended.

It was rare for all the members to be present.
The industry’s top manager, Gu Jingshen, stood before the projector in a well-ironed suit, his fingers knocking on the surface of the table.
“Saw that?”

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Panda, who had been dozing off, straightened up.
Even his team jacket had fallen off by the time he perked up his ears.
His canine tooth appeared on one side, indicating that he was very obedient.
“I saw it, I saw it.”

“Oh? What did you see?” Gu Jingshen lifted a brow.

Panda promptly turned around to ask his ADC.
“What am I supposed to be seeing?”

“The newbie.” The handsome ADC rolled his eyes at him and crossed his long legs.
“Our team has a newbie.
He’s reporting tomorrow.”

Panda leaned forward at once.
“Who is it? What position does he play? Is his hand speed fast? Is he as handsome as I am? He must be especially formidable to be able to be selected by you! You’re being so suspenseful… Don’t tell me it’s a girl! HA HA HA! A girl would be great! What our team lacks the most is a girl! Manager Gu, couldn’t you send a photo to everyone before holding this meeting? If you’re teasing someone, you must go all the way.
What’s up with leaving things unfinished?”


Gu Jingshen’s posture was very business-like.
“King knows whether his hand speed is fast or not.”

“Hmm?” Panda’s eyes bulged as he turned towards the languid man.
“Chief selected him personally?” How good was this person if he had been chosen by Captain?

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