
This prayer, this plea…

might even change reality.

“Magic Arrow!”

She heard a familiar voice, and the Dullahan was blown apart.

We dashed through the dark school building as fast as we could.

The moment we barged into the classroom, I heard a voice.

“Save me, Albert!”

I didn’t need to spare another millisecond to figure out whose voice that was.

It was Laura’s.

I reflexively lifted my right hand and shouted, “Magic Arrow!”

The walking set of armor took a direct hit of my Magic Arrow and shattered into pieces.

Its broken remains scattered all over the floor, then faded away like the Zombies.

Laura was in the back of the room.

“Laura! Are you alright!?”

Laura stared at me with a dumbfounded expression.

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“…Is that you, Albert…? Is that really you?”

“It is.
It’s me, Albert.
You don’t need to worry anymore.”

I got closer to her, and as if freed from her trance, Laura jumped up—and embraced me.

“It’s really…really you! You actually came…! Thank you very much!”

She seemed to be overcome with emotion, refusing to let go.
I did just rescue her from a pinch, I suppose.

I was somewhat at a loss as to what to do.

Here we have a girl that just went through something frightening, and now she was turning to me for comfort. 

What was the best way to respond to this?

Also—I felt stares.

“…So precious…” said Flin, watching us with both hands clasped together.

What did she mean by precious…?

“…We’ll be standing guard outside in case any undead come…!” Firvus dragged Flin away and left the room.

Eventually, Laura let go of me as she sniffled.

“…I-I’m sorry…! I, um, got a little emotional…!”

“…No, it’s fine…”

I pondered for a bit, then placed my hand on Laura’s shoulder.
Maybe it’ll calm her down a little… or at least, I hope it will.

“Everything’s all right now.”

“Yes!” Laura nodded, smiling from ear to ear.

“I’m seriously glad that you’re unharmed.” 

I meant that from the bottom of my heart.

“Let’s head back.” Laura and I left the classroom.

Firvus and Flin were waiting outside.
“You good now, Albert?”

Let’s head back,” I replied, giving Firvus a nod.

Flin seemed to still be in her own little wonderland.
“I saw something great…” She muttered something cryptic with her hand on her cheek.

What’s up with her? She’s been acting kind of suspicious for a while now… I started worrying for Flin a little.

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All four of us went down the stairs together.

I heard Flin and Laura’s conversation from behind me.

“Laura, did you escape here from the library?”

Zombies appeared out of the blue… What was that all about?”

“No idea…”

That’s when the conversation took a sudden turn.

“U-Um! Wait a minute!” said Laura in a panicked tone.

I turned around to see Laura a short distance away from the path down the stairs, staring down the hallway as she waved her hand back and forth.

“What’s the matter, Laura?” I called out to Laura.

“Over there…” Laura pointed down the hallway.
There was a bright glimmer of Lighting in the area she indicated.

There was a Lighting here, of all places…?

“Wait, that isn’t the one I made…” said Laura.

That meant another student left it behind.

…Who could it be…?

“Let’s move,” said Firvus, briskly approaching the light source.
It was in front of the door of a classroom.

Firvus placed his hand on the door, but it didn’t budge an inch.
“This has Hard Rock cast on it…”

He then peeked through the glass embedded in the door, checking the inside of the room.
“—Guys,” his voice stiffened, “there’s someone collapsed in there… two of them.”

His hand still on the door, Firvus said, “Dispel Magic!”

His mana-erasing spell dispelled the Hard Rock that was cast on the door.

The four of us entered the room.

“Hey, you alright!? Hey!” said Firvus, lifting up one of the students collapsed on the floor.

I recognized that face.

It was the head of the class, Blain Milhis…

Reacting to Firvus’ voice, Blain let out a small groan.
His life didn’t seem to be in any danger.

Wasn’t there one other student who fell unconscious? 

Standing in front of the collapsed female student, Laura murmured in a heartbroken voice.


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