Wise throws his sword towards Soichiro but Soichiro knocks the sword out of his way right before the Wise teleports to it. ”What the hell? How did he deflect it before I teleported? This kid has some skills. I must fight at full strength for him to be worthy. ” The Wise thought. The Wise calls back his sword, puts his sword in front of his chest and then he starts to glow. ”AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! POWER OF WISDOM!!!!!!!! ” The Wise shouted. ”Shit, he must be charging to his full power. I have to win this no matter what. ” Soichiro thought. They dash towards each other, their swords collide once again. ”Mother, father, Chozen, everyone, I still have to keep fighting even if Im tired or on the brink of death. Ill keep going even if I have to break myself. ” Soichiro thought. Soichiro slides his sword against The Wises sword, throws a dagger behind The Wise undetected and dashes back then he brushes his sword against his arm and he disappears. ”Where did he go? ” The Wise pondered. Then Soichiro appears behind The Wise and swept him off his feet and then stabbed him. ”I must say, I am impressed White Knight. In all of my battles I have never seen someone use a second weapon to gain an advantage. ” The Wise stated lying on the floor. The Wise gets up and kneels with his sword of the wise in both hands. ”You have proven yourself worthy to hone the full power of the wise. ” The Wise stated. Soichiro put his hand out to the regalia and his hand started to absorb the energy of the sword until it was gone. The Wise started to fade away and he said, ”Fulfill your duty as The White Knight, we
e all rooting for you, Soichiro. ”

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